
In this day and age, all men should be aware that they’re the problem. It’s not even up for debate, we’re the ones who control the narrative while women and their supporters are constantly struggling to fend for themselves against the patriarchal power structure.
Any male that says different has to be under 12 years

Lucky for you that even if I did, as a black woman I have no power to systemically harm them. You on the other hand are dripping your misogyny all over this thread like a busted up sieve. And rather than engage some in introspection about the male attitudes and/or behaviour that you have seen through out your life and

This is what I don’t ever understand. Who the hell thinks women cook up a false allegation for fun and to reap a reward of sunshine of roses? In real life, it’s completely the opposite in even the clearest cut cases. I was once a corroborating witness in a horrible situation that happened in public, in a work setting.

Ask the women who have been blackballed all over the place.

He’s not even talented. Seriously, it’s no loss

oh my god let’s pour one out for the class of people who are literally to blame for the sorry state the world is in. poor poor sad rich people. oh no they’re crying on their yachts, why won’t you plebs have compassion.

I love this comment so much. It should make all the alt-right mens-rights bigots scatter... but if they’ve proven anything since about 2016, they have no shame. So I supposed they won’t.

You’re a shmuck.

I like, star, and share your vibe. And opinion.

One nice thing about getting older is not giving a shit about men needlessly giving me their thoughts on matters that don’t pertain to them.

Lol. It’s soooo predictable. One nice thing about getting older is not giving a shit about men needlessly giving me their thoughts on matters that don’t pertain to them.

Isn’t it wonderful how there’s always at least one man (and usually more) who come along and turn anything and everything into all about them? If there was an article on childbirth and breastfeeding, they’d still manage to make it all about them.

Honestly, most of the people weren’t responding in good faith, they just want a punching bag. Trust me, as a woman, I’m used to their tactics.

I think you are great but basic life experience tells me that men like you are a minority. I think the vast majority are either potential abusers who just havent acquired enough power to do whatever they like OR are indifferent to abuse as long as its not happening to their wife/daughter/sister aka their female

I’m not saying we’re at the “Build a giant rocket, load all the men into it and shoot it into the sun” stage yet, but I’m going to need all my fellow dudes to seriously stop abusing women because I really do not want to be shot into the sun, and I’m getting more worried by the day.

Yeah, because it’s only you who isn’t abusing anyone...

I am thinking that Felicia Day is about to have a lot more work on her plate, if she wants it.

I may have never heard of that woman until yesterday and still know almost nothing about her but I’m sure she’d do a better job.

Here’s a better idea: keep Chris’s shows on the air, only replace him with Chloe Dykstra.

Tina Belcher wins!