
Bigots? Vile content? WTF? I depend on my favorite radio station’s AM frequency for those times when its simultaneous FM broadcast can’t reach me while I’m driving around.

Now I know what carnys do in their downtime...

Evidently, unlike Marvel, the DCEU keeps going from weak to weak.

Never mind that those early escalators loved munching on human flesh and bone...

Too bad it still doesn’t have the correct amount of pedals...

The only thing worse than a Republican is a moderate Democrat. The for-profit medical “care” system must die NOW, and ‘Medicare for all who want it’ is an insult, not only in its cowardly kow-tow to the for-profit medical interests, but to logic itself: it is my understanding that we reduce medical costs largely by

Is it ok (sorry: acceptable/recommended) if that second word is "Boomer"?

Clearly, the personalities have merged. “Smart Hulk” sounds like a refined NY tough guy and speaks without Banner’s hesitant timidity; furthermore, Banner would never have said “we got our asses beat” during casual conversation. And the voice itself sounds like an amalgam of the two - not like either individually.

WTF? We WON’T GET IT IN THE U.S.!? Even when they’re killing the Golf here? Then why do we have to be taunted with so many articles about it? Make it stop.

“too refined and sensible and good looking to stand much of a chance here.”

All it needs to have “soul” is a stick shift (hopefully not relegated to a base model only). But, since that won’t happen, yeah: soulless.

AND the smirky, unoffended smile that accompanied. Reminded me very much of a certain very large, cool, estranged friend of mine.

I loved “Smart Hulk” so much that I absolutely HATED seeing him get maimed by the gauntlet. (Of course it SHOULD have been Thor - he who took “the full force of a star” at Nivadelir - who wielded it, but the rest of the Avengers were too busy disrespecting him in his drunken, PTSD decline.)

SO lame. The American buying public sucks. (Granted, they’re also the worst “First World” drivers I’ve seen, so it’s no surprise.)

No, he’s just that pure-of-heart (never mind his later, perhaps selfishly, ditching Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Sharon, et al to spend a lifetime burying his head between Peggy's magnificent cans).

Good God, American buyers (and drivers) suck! I should have bought a Touring (with “leather” seats) and stick while they were still available. (I was pissed enough to see Mazda had limited the stick to Sport-only, and its cloth seats, with the latest gorgeousification of the 6.)

Uh, no: without a manual transmission, the AWD version is very, very far from an “absolutely should” buy.

Ooh, I love the words “six-speed manual” appearing in this article: finally a crossover I could actually consider (never mind a diesel option and it being gorgeous).

Looks awesome in that top (i.e. front 3/4) pic.

If this person would just stay the HELL out of the left lane, he/she would never have had to create these stickers, much less thought to do so in the first place.