
Cut him some slack, he's just a journalist being told to write some clickbaity crap to get coverage for this Democratic tool designed specifically to get column inches on Gizmodo and IGN and the like. I do agree 100% with everything you said though. 

I called it. I’m not often right about stuff but two weeks ago I said he’d pretend to catch it, have a miraculous recovery and come out of it shilling an American wonder-drug that is scientifically a long way behind the rest of the world. Next up will be him claiming to be the sole industrious business mind behind the

Similarly, if I was the guy that punched David Bowie and screwed up his one iris I’d be RICH right now.

The usual disclaimer: it’s in The Daily Mail, a right wing conservative newspaper famous for its lies, manipulation and bullshit to twist readers’ minds around to its stance of intolerance and hatred. The comments could be taken out of context, modified or even completely fabricated. Even if they're real, the Daily

Came here to make this exact same comment. 

While I'm crushed that we lost someone so exemplary of what justice and equality is all about, I don't blame her for checking out. She's left an enormous legacy and inspired so many people to follow a similar path.

This is the most accurate comment on the internet.

Yeah, I live a few miles from this cinema in London and trust me when I say it’s going to be a while before things are back to normal. We’re on the brink of a second wave driven by the morons that believe this kind of propaganda video. I'll be staying away until Spring 2021 even if the WHO officially announces that

That’s... significantly more than the original price?

That’s... significantly more than the original price?

Supreme became everything they stood against so quickly I wonder if the brand was created to mock the idiots that flock to their stores. 

I like the phrase ‘gender-affirming’, especially in relation to surgery like this. I don’t think I’d heard it before today, so thank you for enlightening me. Gender affirmation sounds so much more positive than gender reassignment or other phrases. 

Beyonce’s songs are mostly written by white middle class men. 

Famously, no she doesn’t. She turns up, sings the words put in front of her, then leaves again and lets her producers, writers and publicists do the rest. The publicity playbook is a photocopy of Michael Jackson’s - use an army of underpaid creatives to generate an air of quiet genius and godlike reverence and let the

Yeah, I've done search and rescue scuba training in a lake at night and it's basically pointless, especially if there are a dozen other scuba divers and boats and so on in the water kicking up the mud and particles. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face, much less the safety strobe on the jacket of the diver

This is literally victim-shaming. 

Here’s a brief list of things co-opted as symbols of white supremacy that - if we follow the logic above - we can no longer use:

So we can't wink either?!


Am I watching a different Big Mouth to everyone else?

Give it a chance. It ramps up a bit and the payoff in the last act is very good. The structure and pace are a bit wonky, for sure, and it isn't Ferrell's funniest work, but definitely funnier than some.