How does California law deal with stolen items wrongfully passed on? For example:
How does California law deal with stolen items wrongfully passed on? For example:
I’m a white person and when I was a younger fan of the Simpsons I thought it was silly that black people were played by white people in the same way I thought it was silly that boys like Bart Simpson were often voiced by women. Nowadays I recognise that anyone can and should voice anyone if they have the talent and…
IGNORE the Lifehacker video above. Both masks fit incorrectly and are not the correct material for long term wear. Masks like this have an effectiveness of about twenty minutes, and only prevent heavier droplets from your exhalation going directly in front of you, which works for medical staff leaning over an open…
THIS. But bringing American policing up to the standard of other countries would require a vast amount of political change. They're mired in the Constitution and the three arms of government. You'd need all States and the federal government to all agree to a common set of policing standards, central funding, and an…
The thing with sitcoms is that they’re - literally - a comedy based on a situation in a bubble from the rest of the world. A light escape, a fanciful parody to cover life’s brutal truths.
Gives me a little longer to save for the new PC I'll be needing to play it.
Aaaaaand bye bye Riot. I don't care if they fire the guy, I don't have enough loyalty to their brand to even bother trying to forgive them. I hope the irony isn't lost on him when this simple mistake haunts him for the rest of his life and prevents him from getting jobs.
I did it without the hashtags just to show my friends where I stand. I think a lot of people are doing the same. On the one hand we’re being told to do stuff, on the other hand we’re being told to shut up and listen, then there are posts shaming people for being silent. I’d say most people just want to show some love…
Yeah ditto with the last two companies I’ve worked with. Bottom line is: “Don’t say something. DO something, and then show what you’ve done.”
Ahhh damn. From the headline I thought it meant they’d done something more unilateral than just getting their interns to put out a tweet. There’s more action than this around the Superbowl. There’s momentum building for a day of silence on Tuesday. I’d like to see them all switch off their service for a day or at the…
This is going to really raise the bar on Rick-rolling.
G Hub is an absolute farce. The predecessor was so much better, then they launched G Hub as a beta and it was awful but now the latest keyboards aren’t supported by the old software. Game profiles are all user-generated and don’t work across different models, so I’ve had to painstakingly build my own lighting profiles…
G Hub is an absolute farce. The predecessor was so much better, then they launched G Hub as a beta and it was awful…
Yeah I’m surprised the volunteer thing is coming up so much in the comments. It’s the same in most charities - I volunteer for a conservation charity myself and the old founder was also a total personality - but you need to be to shoulder that kind of burden and to make it work as a lobbyist.
Stupidity is rife. But so is denial and panic.
That’s entirely the point of the show though. Dehumanize some disfunctional members of society, ridicule them for their flaws, then throw them to the lions.
Probably trying to turn some of their IP into capital to get it running again. Although knowing the crushing inevitability of the internet, it will come back as a freemium battle royale-slash-lootbox grind app where you need to pay thousands to get anywhere.
This is why we need to authorize human cloning as soon as possible. We need more of you and less of the flesh-bots that just run off on their own.
In the same way gambling machines are very carefully designed to keep people hooked by giving out little payouts here and there and tantalising people by VERY NEARLY hitting a jackpot, Fortnite keeps people playing by having a hundred little tasks to complete in exchange for little payouts. It's the exact same…
“A “deepfake” is any piece of digital content that’s been manipulated with artificial intelligence.”
[raises hand quietly]