
If currency, items, and xp can be obtained via other, easier means then there will be very little incentive for open world pvp.

It does not matter how fast the battleground queue will get players into a match, if the match is always a one sided curb stomp then most people will ragequit and stop playing battlegrounds.

So what you are saying is the matchmaker sucks? Sorry but putting noobs against pros is not very fair.

Are there actually objectives in open world FFA, or is it just meaningless ganking tacked on to 'pvp servers' like in SWTOR?

I wonder.... is that the real reason they are removing it? Someone at blizard did a cost analysis and discovered they were spending more to support it then they were making on fees...

I spent most of the weekend in Cyrodiil, in my favorite town from Oblivion. It felt like I had come home after being lost at sea for 10 years.

Complains about generic mmo, brags about wanting to play wildstar?

The irony is not lost on me.

After playing the Elder Scrolls Online beta all weekend, I can honestly say single player games just don't excite me anymore.

It would be kinda like Dungeon Keeper, except instead of a greedy money hoarding villain bent on world domination, you are a Jew!

IMO unmodded skyrim v.s. ESO, ESO looks better.

Here is a link so you can compare them full size.

I used to wear a funny hat back in the late 80's early 90s when the rockabilly revival was in full swing. I was a culture hacker - a hipster before hipsters were popular. I fancied myself a fixer, and straddled a lot of circles. Mods and rockers, goths and ravers, geeks and freaks.

I gave up my hat and grew out my hair

Tons of people are enjoying the game, myself included. I have actually played ESO more then some games I have payed 60$ for, and ESO is not even out of beta yet.

Killzone 2, for example, I finished the campaign in 6 hours, then spent about 10 hours in miltiplayer until I realised it was just like Quakewars except with

You can play ESO just fine solo.

Funny, you say ESO is generic and Morrowind is not, because ESO looks exactly like Morrowind.

It really depends on where you live as to what "rape" technically means from a legal standpoint. In most states in the US the term is no longer used, and the offense has been replaced by crimes such as "sexual assault", "criminal sexual conduct", "sexual abuse", "sexual battery".

The scene in SAO was pretty ambiguous

Technically she was just "Sexually Assaulted", which I guess makes it OK because it was just Rape, and wasn't Rape Rape?

It was still disgusting.

You stopped watching Sword Art Online because the incest made you uncomfortable? Then you totally missed out on seeing the 'powerful female lead' get raped in front of the main character. It was like an inverse rape powerup, in that getting violated didn't make her any stronger, but it was what motivated the hero to

People really need to stop trying to remake Warren Spector's games without following Warren Spector's Commandments of Game Design... because that is what made the original titles good.

You don't have to do the main quest in ESO so that point is invalid.

What free loot mmo has more then a million players? What elder scrolls game has ever had item loss?

The answer to both questions is 'none', which is why having those in an elder scrolls mmo would be stupid.

It is not that I have no fault with the Elder scrolls games.
Arena was a cheap clone of Ultima Underworld.
Daggerfall was slow, repetitive, & buggy.
Battlespire was way to short; you could finish in 2 hours. it was basically a tech demo for morrowind.
Morrowind was infested with cliff racers. crashed every 20 min. broke