
Point: “Mary Sue” is not a yes or no question. It’s a scale, which goes from 0 to, well, Lt. Mary Sue of the USS Enterprise herself. It would be fair to say that Rey falls somewhere on that scale above a 0. She’s more of a Mary Sue than Luke was (which is kindajustifiable given their respective backgrounds- Luke grew

It’s written in flash, I believe. You’d have to visit it on not-an-ipad to get much out of it.


Remember when they tried to make ‘normcore’ a thing? As in, “Haha I dressed like a commoner today! Check out my ‘crocs’ and my ‘overalls’ hehe. This is what the normals wear!”

There’s no reason not to love circus peanuts. They make an excellent packing material, as well as being a pretty effective rodent repellent.

I’d bet three dollars that at least one member of this couple supports Trump for president.

I read those words, and now I can’t get the creepydorable little puppet giggles that yoda does in that scene out of my head. I blame you.

It’s worth noting that Kim Jong Il used the goofy, absurd claims very strategically. He and his propaganda ministry built up this whole image of the country and its leadership as a big stupid joke that no one would bother taking seriously, and used it to distract from and cover up some honestly horrifying atrocities.


I can’t break the law! I AM THE LAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRRGHGHGHG!!!!!!!!

It really is horrifying to think about how much corruption there is in the US. We spend so much time looking down on the countries where ‘bribe money for cops’ is assumed to be a necessary travel expense, but I’m honestly not convinced that what we’ve got is any better. If the corruption starts and ends with ‘slip the

Yes, but the proper solution is to have a light thanksgiving dinner, and one pie for each person present. That way everyone gets all their favorite flavors of pie, and everyone can stuff their faces with like, 6 slices of pie and hate themselves. That’s the true spirit of thanksgiving, not this godless stack of

But a STEAK wRAPPED IN MULTIPLE LAYERS OF BACON in the middle!! And a thin layer of stuffing between each layer of bird, because you do have room for that.

In a perfect world, there would be a complex web of redirects such that all the webpages of every republican candidate, would lead to the webpage of a different republican candidate. All of them would eventually funnel the unlucky user to donaldtrump.com, which would host a poorly-made and underfunded Donald Trump

Yup. He definitely flubbed the wording and it came out bad,but it was clear he meant well. I’m glad he apologized and explained what he was trying to say, and I hope people are willing to let it go.

Apparently the stores that sell ammo frequently have limits on how much you can buy at a time, and very frequently don’t have popular varieties of ammo in stock (to the point that people will call the local hunting/camping store and ask when they’re getting a shipment in, and wait in line before it arrives.)

If you point yourself in the right direction and don’t mind a bit of water, one of those borders leads to Canada!

Exactly. I’d go so far as to say that awareness, by itself, is not enough, and has never been enough.

Brings a great new meaning to the idea of ‘Sunday morning worship service,’ I think.

It’s possible that the true story of “tired of taking shit from racists” morphed, at least partly on its own, into “tired.” Legends based on the actions of real people tend to do that over a few decades of re-telling, especially when they’re the sort of legends people tell to young kids (think George Washington and