
I so dearly wish that California cities would just institute scaled water prices instead of a flat rate. Like the first 5000 gallons or so per month cost o.1 cents/gallon or so, the next 5000 gallons cost 0.2 cents/gallon. The 5000 gallons after that cost 0.4 cents/gallon, and so on and so forth, multiplying by 2 at

Security Theater is pretty much ‘working to make people believe that they’re safe,’ rather than, and often at the expense of actually working to make people safe. For example: that thing where the TSA has spent hundreds of millions- maybe even billions- of dollars on scanning equipment and personnel, violated many

“No frivolousness,” huh?

No, not at all. I ‘m just a regular civilian who gets more and more angry every time I think back on my stint in the public education system, for an impressive variety of reasons. This flock of bullshit is pretty high on the list.

We have Pancheros around where I live, which is like chipotle but much, much better. I’ve heard similar things from many people, from all over the country. Out of all the chipotle-like restaurants out there, chipotle itself is really the worst.

“We’re going to pay you poverty-level wages”

Oh my god, the fucking platinum card. My first ever credit card, which I applied for at the local ‘lowest standards in town’ credit union, at 22 years old and shortly out of college, when the only thing on my credit report were student loans which I had only started repaying a few months earlier, said “Mastercard

This exactly. There’s ‘under the legal limit,’ then there’s ‘drunk,’ and then there’s ‘visibly drunk.’ From what I understand, ‘visibly drunk’ is the point where restaurants are required to stop serving. Someone who had 7 cheap-ass discount margaritas over 6 hours is quite possibly (depending on tolerance and body

Someone who drives drunk and gets caught fucked up their own life. It’s entirely their fault, and entirely their problem, and they absolutely deserved it, because driving drunk is such an absolutely stupid and selfish act. Anyone who drives drunk, ever, under any circumstances, absolutely deserves the full weight of

That’s not quite it, though. You had the option to be the “walk away and say nothing” guy, but you made a choice and went out of your way to be the “oh my god fiction is so stupid you’re all so stupid for enjoying it boy howdy I’m glad I’m so very smart, not stupid like all you stupid people” guy.

Actually, there are enough cats and dogs to last about 15 years, maybe 18 on the very high end. And we’d start having serious problems long before then if cats didn’t have that convenient way of making more cats. Spaying and neutering your pets is good. Spaying and neutering stray cats is also good. Aiming for

There was an article cross posted here from deadspin a few hours ago. Find it. Read the comments. Not vendors the bottom-of-the-page grays with no replies. The top comments. All of them have multiple people defending, and even this officer.

Internet memes are a privilege, not a right. These people have abused that privilege terribly, and deserve to have it taken away from them.

Yet another reason to support Rubio for the Republican nomination. Even if he somehow becomes president, he’ll be too lazy to fuck anything up!

I kinda do wonder... If the department of labor made a list of every employer in the US that pays their employees in cash, and investigated every single one of them, would there be a single one that wasn’t doing something illegal?

Nope! That clock is gonna be right some day. Best hope you’re not around when it is.

Fun facts: Sleep paralysis very frequently comes along with a feeling of choking or having trouble breathing, and visual, auditory, and even tactile hallucinations involving something sitting on your chest and holding you down. People who suffer from sleep paralysis are encouraged to not open their eyes while it’s

If it makes you feel better, I just bought my first house a couple of years ago. The previous owners had left a few things when they moved out. Of particular note was at least one mirror in every single room of the house, with some rooms having two or three, and more crucifixes, statues of Mary, and other assorted

I was wondering about “injured rabbit” myself. If you’ve heard it before, it’s definitely distinguishable from a human, but if you’re not familiar with that particular unpleasant sound, it can sound just like a woman screaming in terror.

Heard someone mention “scare quotes” out of context, and interpreted to mean that certain people (especially writers on left-leaning newsblogs) are terrified of double quotation marks. Inserted as many quotation marks into the email as possible in order to frighten the recipient.