
Would someone with a telephoto lens and a rather sketchy idea of what ‘privacy’ means be able to make a decent living selling embarrasingly candid and/or staged-for-publicity pictures of the Duggar clan to TMZ? Then yes, there are at least a handful of people in Arkansas who could be (maybe generously) described as

As long as we can still take our hurt feelings out on Missouri when you make fun of us, it’s alright by me.

That one ran right smack into Poe’s Law for me- I really thought for a second “wait, that has to be trolling. They’ve gotta be fucking with us, right?” But then I remembered my past experiences with Thought Catalog and went “Oh right, it’s a youtube comment section masquerading as journalism. And they’re entirely

Yup. Either he was there to do harm, or he was the type to wander around in his day-to-day life with a backpack full of knives and a homemade bomb, which is.... not really a better option.

Agreed! Also, given my personal experiences with accidentally speaking above a low whisper in a library as a child, I’d imagine that screaming at a librarian is a great way to get the shushing so severe that you’ll never fully recover. I would not want to invite the wrath of of librarians upon me in such a way.

Not foodservice related, but when I worked at walmart, my managers had some excuse along the lines of “the average walmart customer will spend $200,000 at walmart over their lifetime. It’s better for the company to take a even a complete loss on this one sale, but keep the customer. If we call them out, they’ll go

Yeah well, the solution there seems to be to find a balance between ‘dealing with autism’ and dealing with reality. And order the chicken pan-fried, like a goddamn adult.

I personally shave my manly bits because:

That’s pretty terrifying. On the plus side, if you get rabies from a coyote in a city park, after the local animal control refuses to do anything about it, you probably have a pretty solid case to sue the city blind.

My main takeaway from this article is that the word “penological” is fucking hilarious. Because I’m apparently 12.

So if I’m following the spaghetti-bowl of logic here, I guess the medical professionals that donate fetal tissue to researchers are totally immoral monsters, but the researchers who accept said donations, and use donated fetal tissue for science are... totally okay? Or maybe it’s more along the lines of “The

Your username makes this so much funnier. Because now I’m picturing my very favorite Republican Assclown hatefucking an anti-abortion protester, and taking plan B, just in case.

Ugh. I’m pretty sure I was born too old to go to clubs. Fuck all that noise. Homecoming and prom dances were more than enough with the hot, sweaty, awful smelling people that I don’t really like dancing poorly to shitty music. I have absolutely no need to go out and pay a goddamn cover fee to do the same thing except

But don’t you know that flouride is a massive mind-control conspiracy between the US government and a shady cabal of dentists?

Whoa, it’s almost as if it’s a problem when a bunch of white people get offended on behalf of an ethnic minority without ever bothering to speak to any members of said group. It’s almost like someone who has no life experience relating to a particular topic, and can’t be arsed to do the slightest bit of research GETS

I’m willing to bet that if there were any sort of actual persecution against Christians in this nation, most of them would immediately give up on their religion and join whatever group was persecuting the Christians, and proceed to continue whining about how they were being victimized by those annoying minorities

I’m putting my vote in for “purposely went off-register.” Either something really tacky and fake-crystal, or like three place settings that look similar to what’s on the registry, but aren’t quite the same.

You mean it would be better if a trafficking victim could go to the police without fear of being arrested for prostitution, and you’re saying that wouldn’t be a bad thing? HUH WHOEVER THOUGHT OF SUCH A THING.

Ethical to wear: Only if you do it ironically.