
If I remember right that show had a weird, and almost Samuel Beckett-esque conclusion, as the last episode involved Max travelling back in time to the very first episode, meaning the show was basically stuck in a never ending time loop…tad creepy concept for the mind of a 10 year old to handle.

I'm sorry, but there are hardly any pieces of technology that do not require some sort of connection from the internet.

If this was Microsoft, people would be out with pitch forks.

Hm yeah what do you call someone who votes with their wallet? A consumer.

It's hilarious how different gadget geeks and gamer geeks are about some things. For all the times they are lumped together, this whole "controversy" just proves how different the mindsets really are.

Innovation lost. Stagnation won, that is a massive loss. We have the same consoles for another decade now. Today wasn't a celebration - it was extremely disappointing.

The only difference that matters:

The Xbox One has a strong focus on all media, and is a well-rounded box. The Sony device seems to be identical in media features to the PS3. It's not as if the Xbox is prioritizing video OVER games.

Right on the money.
My biggest complaint with the ps4's features were that they seem like a half step up from the ps3 and were nothing really exciting. (games aside of course) Now the same can be said for the Xbox One.

Hope the complainers are happy, you wanted an Xbox 360 2 and you got one. I myself was looking forward to a new idea of console gaming system, but oh well.

If they kill the digital game sharing because of people whining online, instead of allowing disk-only offline mode, I will be VERY disappointed.

If only our democratically elected government representatives were as responsive to public outcry...

See, this is part of the problem. The actual message from Microsoft has been so lost and muddled that people have a very skewed perspective of what's actually happening.

Does "PS4 will do things just like the PS3 did" include system bricking updates?

Wait a minute here. Did you actually listen to and retain the facts that were stated about how the console check actually works? OMFG SOMEBODY ELSE ACTUALLY PAID ATTENTION TO SOMETHING BESIDES INTERWEBZ RAGE!

While I respect all the posts in this thread... this post is EXACTLY what this article is talking about.