
It doesn't matter because that infrastructure is changing. They aren't using the current xbox live infrastructure. If that was the case then you might have a point, but they're growing it to accommodate the change.

Boosting the server count to 300,000 worldwide makes it seem like they're making sure that xbox live servers can handle it. I'm just saying that, historically speaking, if anybody could handle it server side it's xbox live. Also stop arguing that it's always on. It's not. It renders your arguments shallow and

Don't forget that the Xbox One only requires a connection once a day; it isn't always on. They stated that the amount of data required to check-in is in the kilobytes, which should be able to be handled easily with even the slowest connection and require very little time actually on. A lot of people keep incorrectly

When was the last time the xbox live servers went down for more than a couple hours, let alone longer than 24? They have a pretty stellar record at keeping them operational... more so than Sony can say for the PSN

There was an interview with Major Nelson about that very situation: once the servers go down permanently will the games be completely inaccessible? He said that the Xbox One is designed so that won't happen.

"Oooh but it's so small"

Considering the rage at non-gaming features in a video game console, do you really think they're ready for a console that doesn't look like it's a game console?

Please tell me where Sony said that your game saves will migrate over with the ps3 streaming service... oh wait. They already said they won't. Guess Sony doesn't care about your hard work either.

Breaking: Hot on the heels of Microsoft's statement and continuing with their strategy of announcing the opposite of whatever Microsoft does, Sony states, "Game saves for Minecraft will be transferrable between the ps3 and... oh. What do you mean we don't have that game? *Ahem* Please disregard this, I may have gotten

Doesn't really bother me. Minecraft's fun is in the world building. It'll be like building that awesome creation out of legos, only to smash it up and start from scratch in the resulting chaos.