
You fool! Everyone knows you never mention Derek Smart’s name! Some say that if you type his name three times, he shows up in whatever forum you’re on and just shits all over everything. So whatever you do, don’t type Derek Smart a third time or else...

It looks a little like and older version of Microsoft’s comfort curve 2000 or 3000 . What funny is the picture itself is a stock photo from shutter stock, which has funny and incorrect description:

Ah, a hint of psychosis in the morning.

I agree that they did a great job recreating it. I think, though, that if Nintendo made this game now it wouldn’t be quite so much of a 1:1 correlation to the original. I appreciate that they made the stairs dip in the middle and the house lines crooked like the original, but they didn’t include the details that

Definitely avoid early access. That’ll get you 15 to 20.

Next up, Kotaku reviews DEATH.

no mention of viruses or trojans, or the fact that there is no standardized matchmaking system... ... ...am disappoint.

This is fucking irresponsible and just asking for trouble.

Is asexual. Still awaiting patch for universe to find nonsexpartner.exe.

I can’t believe they don’t have a patch for online multiplayer.

If you’re already a fan of Sex—and there are plenty of you out there—you probably don’t need this review. But if you

This looks realistic to you?


Batman needs a watch?

And now I want to cry. Thank you.

*pained groan*

Why would you ever spend $60 on a digital weapon skin? In a game that isn’t even free to play no less.

just the fact that he tried to make a game by october is plain sad. I hope he realizes that a rushed RPG is a shitty RPG. Oh wait that applies to all games, that’s why his games are shit

‘Nuff said.