Yes, he's trying to make it sound like it has impressive longevity when really what he's saying is that a huge chunk of their game is going to be a waste of time
Yes, he's trying to make it sound like it has impressive longevity when really what he's saying is that a huge chunk of their game is going to be a waste of time
If a game doesn’t really get going until around 50 hours once the main quest is done, then shouldn’t the main quest be better?
Or at least been remastered. Those were fantastic on 360 and I’m happy to see so many people enjoyed it!
I always wondered why the dishwasher games weren’t available with backwards compatibility.
imma agree with martyvendetta27 here: both dishwasher games are dope ! tbh ska studios doesn’t miss when it comes to its game releases and while the dishwasher might feel like xbox 360 arcade games, they still solid beat ‘em ups
I need to pick up The Dishwasher :Vampire Smile. I vaguely remember the demo being cool. Although the last time I hooked up my 360 a lot of the games looked worse than I remember.
The director’s cut will be three times as long. Not because of restored scenes, but because of all the slow-mo.
Then why did you click on a non tech story and even comment on it? The answer is because you don't come here for tech, you come here to bitch about things in the comments. At least that's what your actions say. You'll probably say something to the contrary but you know the old expression about actions and words.
I think that it’s about time that we get to see Mephisto as the villain.
Duh, that’s kind of the point of a strike. It’s not a problem until it’s their problem. The point is that the studios could end all this strife tomorrow just by agreeing to negotiate in good faith. As long as they refuse to do that, they deserve every bit of pain the actors and writers can bring to them.
Yeah. Doesn’t change for me either.
So yes, for the first time ever Star Wars fans—at least in the United States—will very easily be able to watch the show, in real time, all together, at a reasonable hour, six hours earlier than all the other Star Wars shows had been debuting over the past four years.
This all sounds pretty good. I am curious if they are going to significantly changed the campaign since MW3 is pretty well regarded to be a bit underwhelming in the story.
This is all stupid, but its also kind of funny/pathetic that this person whose name I did not know until about 2 minutes ago got more people to show up than trump does to any of his shit.
I’m really not a fan of influencer culture.
He’s not a rapper, he’s an R&B singer.
Damn. Zuck is ripped
That was my first though as well. That she seems a little... narrow... For Minaj.
Is it me or it doesn’t really looks like her?
It looks like they took a current COD female model and to just put make up and a wig to try to make it look like her without being her?