
i feel bad laughing about this but honestly its pretty funny

Even if theres something that I really want to see, just the slightest speed bump like this will send me back to pirating on my Fire Stick.

What an odd thing to not include, maybe it was a typo.

Not surprising it’s getting an upgrade.  Seems like it makes all the sense in the world now that PS5s are far more readily available.  Also, “composter” in your subheading should be fixed, even if it’s an amusing slip.

Shouldn’t have banned the porn.

Bring back the porn!

3 years of community service? Swatting should be under some level of “attempted murder” if you ask me, given how hot some authorities go in on these types of things. 

Probably not much considering it was dragged through a few miles of ocean before being removed

Pretty sure they were basically vaporized and washed away by currents.

So I take it all of the pieces were encrusted with gore, hence the privacy sheets?

Found the problem:

do you think water pressure squeezes everything in the water into a small ball?

I’m not even talking about the implosion event. I’m talking about merely existing in a 400 atmosphere environment. It’s like having a 900,000 pound anvil on top of the object. That flimsy chunk of plastic corners snaked with tubing does not look like it had a 900,000 pound anvil on top of it for a week.

It depends a lot on where that’s from; if it’s from a part of the submersible that was outside of the pressure vessel, then it wouldn’t have been subjected to the crushing from the implosion. But I agree that it is in suspiciously good shape to be a major part of the wreckage.

Pressure bud. Not at all talking about it being dirty or clean lmao. I’m talking about, it should be compressed into a singularity.

I’m not a physics expert, but shouldn’t this look, idk, different? If it was sitting for a week at the depths of pressure that supposedly liquify a body in milliseconds? That part looks have half an RV just sitting on the roadside in rural Arizona.

what was a major war with the First Order”

Hey kids heres a new Star Wars reboot because nobody liked the sequels reboot that we did after nobody liked the prequels reboot

The Commonwealth had chocolate and other stuff that made me wonder if there was still some kind of international trade going on.

Bet that sucked.