Holy uncanny valley! The robotic fakeness of the old woman makes her entire story seem fake. Couldn’t they have just used the real woman and then a fade/dissolve to the young woman?
Holy uncanny valley! The robotic fakeness of the old woman makes her entire story seem fake. Couldn’t they have just used the real woman and then a fade/dissolve to the young woman?
And the gay-closeted, bible-thumpin’, drug-addled CEOs who care about money, power, and domination will be raking it in on the taxpayer’s payroll.
Wait. Why wouldn’t the legroom people move? They’d rather sit in their legroom chairs for five hours instead of moving so that their flight could take off?
No, they didn’t. Back in those days there was such a thing as a “gentleman.” If you treated a proper lady like Trump described, you’d be slapped in the face.
This is the kind of “I know you are but what am I” logic that seems to prevail these days. It’s fallacious.
Because he clearly meant that he grabs the pussies without first obtaining consent, and then afterward the women don’t protest in some way because he’s a celebrity.
Thank you! I’ll read that.
It cracks me up that Trump thinks we need to personally know the President in order to publicly criticize his policies.
Well, it wasn’t because they didn’t feel like it. It was because the court (not the Clintons) ruled that the White House and Executive Office of the President were not agencies under federal anti-nepotism law.
Well put. I’m going to follow this advice.
That sentence is from the end of two long comments. In context, Adjira’s reasoning is much more nuanced.
Well, it doesn’t protect us against a bad hire, it just protects us against a nepotist hire. And obviously it doesn’t protect us against a bad president (or a good president) hiring a relative.
A mansplainer who can’t splain so he just uses all the sexist buzz phrases without content.
Won what? No one even knows wtf you disagree or agree about so how can their even be a debate?
Don’t confuse an educated, well-informed opinion with objective fact. No one said it’s an objective fact that Clinton was qualified. There’s just a long list of achievements and experience that many people would consider qualifications.
Got it. So since you’re going to all the trouble of commenting, why not state what you actually do think?
Because that’s what you said. Did no one teach you about syllogisms in high school?
You simply can’t or won’t state a single reason you think Kushner is as qualified for his position as Hillary was for hers. So you’re grasping at the sentimental aside in the middle of Adjira’s long list of facts that support her reasoning that it’s the qualifications that matter, not the nepotism.
The idea of a national healthcare plan is still failing because Republicans gutted the sensible plan, voted in their own insane plan, and now will try to vote it out again. That has nothing to do with Hillary’s qualifications and everything to do with the Republican party’s antipathy to universal healthcare.
Oh, Lord Almighty. Quit name calling like a small spoiled child and please explain Kushner’s qualifications for his position relative to Hillary’s qualifications for hers.