Donald: this is the deal, take it or leave it!
Donald: this is the deal, take it or leave it!
So, repealing the ACA never provided as much utility to Trump as to the Congressional GOP. He can pass the buck, as he’s already shown he likes to do, and blame Congress. By doing so, he avoids hurting or angering his white elderly base, who’d suffer under the AHCA, all without losing his conservative bona fides. With…
At this point the problem is not that he lies. Rather, the problem is that a sizable number of the American people don’t care or applaud him for it. He has been fact checked up the wazoo at this point. I don’t think it is the media’s job to scream at him something along the lines of “you lie.” They have pointed it out…
Duly noted.
...until Donald Trump’s regime came along and called for a ban on Muslims and expressed support for Japanese internment camps.
Thank you for this little ray of hope.
Charles and Diana’s pairing came about for much the same reason people have disaster sex - the need for human closeness and comfort during a tough time.
We have to do all the hard work of containing the damage. I’m sorry.
Nope. Her goal is to funnel public money into private religious schools, so that the children can learn that Jesus rode on a dinosaur.
Yeah, I don’t see how else they could have handled it. I mean, I wanted Moonlight to win, but the La La Land people made the kind of movie they want to make and did a good job of it by all accounts, and I’m not going to wish ill on them just because it’s not my cup of tea. I’m sure they’re mostly nice people who…
“Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.
Why the fuck do we continue to invite LITERAL hate groups to participate in “constructive” dialogue? I’m so tired of this “both sides need a voice” false equivalency fuckgarbage.
You know, for a place where I spend the majority of my time snarking and hating, I’m truly surprised at the responses I’ve gotten. Thanks so much! I’m literally speechless over here.
Not enough by far.
Would like to drop in a plug for Jeannette Winterson’s Written on the Body, an absolutely exquisite novel that undoes gender in brilliant ways. Also, if you read Stone Butch Blues and/or Fun Home—and you should—keep tissues handy. I used to teach both, and spent considerable time on the last few panels of the latter.…
I am honestly EXTREMELY disappointed in Jezebel for not including that McCorvey was in a lesbian relationship for 35 years, a source of much contention between her and the conservatives that have tried to ‘claim’ her legacy. This woman was clearly used as a pawn by both sides of the abortion wars - a situation she…
How dare you bring Ivanka into this.