Man it would have been crazy if the entirety of the Right, including Congress, had spent the last eight years looking for an excuse to take down Obama or Hillary. Crazy. That’s a crazy thing that I can’t imagine having happened.
Man it would have been crazy if the entirety of the Right, including Congress, had spent the last eight years looking for an excuse to take down Obama or Hillary. Crazy. That’s a crazy thing that I can’t imagine having happened.
While I like quite a few of the acts on the show, it was mostly just passive watching for me. However, A Tribe Called Quest was the only performers who made me sit the fuck up (OK, mostly figuratively since I’ve had some medical issues recently). They were perfection.
Well I’ve got good news and bad news, idiot. The bad news is you ain’t seen nothing yet. You think it’s hard right now? A month from now, when the leaks are constant, when the hacks have begun in earnest, when the public is literally camped in your lawn baying for your blood, you’re going to look back on this time as…
Shit has happened. There is natural disasters in Louisiana. We are having floods and mudslides in California (people have lost their homes and some their lives) Trump. Not even a mention of either one from his tweets. But you know, Nordstrom doesn’t want to carry his daughters bullshit clothing line because it…
If Between Two Ferns mated with a Real World: Chicago audition tape.
He probably had plans to make it look like it was evil liberals doing the attack.
I don’t know why anyone would hate on SRV. The man was a virtuoso on a Fender Strat and a killer bluesman.
It is such a stupid position. Considering the catalogue of horrors coming our way if Melania could humor me by just getting piss drunk on the lawn and screaming “Send In The Clowns”, thus ending any and all dignity attached to this charade of a role, I could live with that.
Sorry, I get extra nervous with this sort of thing because I know my past life with the GOP turns people off here. No sympathy here either.
This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.
I work within a 5 minute walk from the Oklahoma City Bombing memorial.
I encourage everyone to read up on Timothy McVeigh’s political ideology.
He was a white nationalist, isolationist, 2nd amendment enthusiast, distrustful of big government. He and Michael Fortier drew up the diagrams of how they would blow up the OKC…
He’s trying to make it look like he’s so busy and presidential.
Trump said “the hell with it” at a prayer breakfast!?!
He’s just a modern guy. Of course he’s had it in the ear before.
Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop
This is the only thing that gives me hope. I was absolutely ashamed of this yesterday but seeing everyone come together, seeing the lawyers pour into airports and the courts doing their job gives me hope. People in my very conservative red state have gone off the rails with organizing protests, letter writing events,…
I just thought of something right now, and forgive me if I get a little corny. But reading how people are “oops, didn’t see that you were from Syria, go on ahead”, seeing that picture above of everyone waving the flag, holding the signs, letting others know that they ARE welcome....watching the protests today.....I am…
‘Cop tires, cop engine, cop transmission, cop brakes...’