
Acknowledging Slavery? Well now they’ve gone and done it. Expect applications to Harvard to drop into the toilet as young Jethro, Cletus, Amber, and Tami Lynn’s parents are certainly not going to let them go to Harvard and be indoctrinated with all that CRT shit.

I guess Harvard’s loss is Bob Jones’ or the University

“Dammit, Pantera!"

Yeah, I find this show breathlessly entertaining. And I think multiple episodes ads up to more layered, compelling characters. Jerry West’s “character” has calmed down now that he is not coaching, validating his brace decision to put his own mental health and marriage ahead of coaching. Magic’s “character” has

LISTEN, KID! I’ve been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I’m out there busting my buns every night! Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!

Yeah, someone used the phrase ‘final cut’ without knowing what final cut actually means.

Yikes. This is less of a breakdown and more like a lot of gripes. The CGI complaints for example are kinda unecessary. It’s the first teaser and while the movie comes out in July, that’s still a lot of room for tweaks and improvements.

Most CGI looks weird when paused too, this is like complaining about weird

and we didn’t ask for it.

Holy christ, maybe next time let someone who actually enjoyed the trailer do a breakdown of it

At least he died doing what he loved, eating Hitler’s asshole.

The Doctor!

I want Paris and Janeway’s amphibian progeny to feature prominently.

Ro Laren. You just know Michelle Forbes ain’t doing much.

While alcohol has been absolutely connected to problems with pregnancies, and weed hasn’t, this clearly shows this is yet another attempt to control women with the added bonus of legislating against weed.

And cigarettes!

Fun, but why stop there? Anyone purchasing alcohol should have to first pass a background check, and anyone purchasing weed or alcohol should have to prove that they don’t know any pregnant or breastfeeding women.

It’s his $130,000 a day habit

Shriek has one of the best “Bruce is nuts” lines ever!

Shit’s gonna blow up...like Apollonia’s car.

Your grandma sounds like a badass.

That was a really underrated show.