
Things to add to the list of things never explicitly condemned by Jesus: cannibalism, pedophilia, necrophilia, socialism, communism.

Nah, boomers just learned that communism was “bad” and that’s all they needed to know. Not for them the nuances of Marxist theory or the specific deficiencies of Maoism or Stalinism. It was all just “evil” and “the work of Satan.” God’s a capitalist, dontcha know?

I hope this doesn’t change their journalistic direction.

This Femi-Nazi feels no sorrow.

Has everyone here forgotten about THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP Spectacular performance by Lithgow and 8 years prior to Silence

I really loathe the trend of attempting to read modern political morality into older movies.

I think that’s bit rough. It’s an opinion piece by someone who’s life was directly and negatively affected by this film.

Now playing

The 1974 incarnation of his group Return to Forever is probably my favorite jazz fusion outfit of the 70s. Most fusion acts tended to veer more to the jazz side of things but RTF was almost a prog band.

Now playing

Also, gotta mention the genius pairing of Massive Attack with the haunting vocals of Tracey Thorn on “Better Things”.

There’s even rules on selling daughters into slavery, and when it’s right to give them freedom, in the Old Testament.

As they say, the first step is acknowledging that you have a problem. And despite the disingenuous “honest question”, you aren’t yet interested in doing that.

Paul Giamatti is the same age as  Vin Diesel. I don't have anything else to add I just like bringing it up. 

All sorts of crazy stuff is in the Bible. Polygamy was even accepted in the Old Testament, whereas monogamy became the norm after the Romans.

Listen buddy, I saw a copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on the shelf at a game shop years ago. I didn’t buy it but let me tell you, looking at the cover picture taught me a lot about the legals and the briefs, so I think I’m qualified to say that this is a clear-cut win for the claim-man against the bad-team, for a

Had TLOU2 come out in any other year, it would definitely be on this list. People just weren’t in the mood for that kind of super downer game in 2020.

It’s kind of funny that TLOU2 isn’t on here, given some of the other games that appear. It’s probably my goty, although I’ve still yet to start Hades and I haven’t finished Cyberpunk yet.

Nope. There are not two sides to this issue. Don’t return the cart, and you’re the asshole. It doesn’t matter if some hypothetical employee really wants to waste a bunch of time chasing after carts, because there are other issues with not returning the carts. Damage to vehicles when they roll into them, and blocking

Do you let people off the train before you board?” For the non-city dwellers among us, the same exact test can be done substituting elevators. In fact, it’s an even better test, as elevators are certainly smaller than trains, if somewhat less frequently as full. If you barge onto an elevator as the doors are opening,

The littering section reminded me of a quote from White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller, when campaigning for student government in his school days:

Not to toot my own horn but what do you call it when someone organizes the carts in the cart corral? Or returns a cart to the store that’s sitting in the parking lot because I’m, I mean they, are on their way in anyway so what’s the big deal? (I don’t do that right now because of Covid but is walking a loose cart to