
You should be fine if you do not lack common sense. I’ve played with/against so many people that are like around their level 300's +- and still do not know how to play ‘proper’ in the sense of not knowing which Hero counters who. Not only that though, they also lack the ability to ‘contest’ capture points (or just

PoTG doesn’t really tell you much, considering the fact my friend got it as Mercy by reviving me, which lead to him instantly dying afterwards and me making a ‘Team Kill’ on my own by using my ult as Reaper.

It’d finally set a goal to bother playing the competitive mode they are offering and in return for trying to be one of the ‘better’ players/teams, they get rewarded.

The game is missing depth, it’s literally a basic FPS formula they are using; a very simplified one that is. The game looks pretty, plays smooth, but there are too many flaws within it to make it even worth a price tag.