
Wrong! Always vote for the healer!

Yes, you are living inside an alien’s snow globe.

you’re a phony. Hey everybody, this guys a phony!

My reaction

This is probably as far in advance as possible. It is highly unlikely they’ve known for months that it needed to be delayed but just decided not to say anything.

I’m stupidly curious about what type of beer they used, lol.

That’s when you use this truck to reach and get what you can’t get otherwise!

Pantone is just specific, cataloged colors.

So let me get this straight....

The story explains [wouldn’t really call it a spoiler since a story spoiler for Doom is just hilarious] they were using Hell as some sort of power source.

Have you ever driven a 4th or 5th gen Maxima with a 5-speed manual? Sure, it’s not a full-fledged sports car by any means, but they could blow the doors off of almost every comparable car in that price range at the time.

Which disciples? I think you are confusing Paul needing to leave Jerusalem due to accusations from the Jewish establishment with disciples asking him to stop preaching. Which they never did.

No it’s not worth noting because this is completely untrue.

Can you toss me a citation for that one? Peter referred people to Paul’s teaching, so I’m not seeing them disagreeing with him.

But if a tree takes a long time to fall in the forest and you aren’t there to watch it, is it still tedious?

Please don’t make the mistake of thinking that all 2.5 billion Christians in the world, or even the 250 million Christians in the States all match your bigoted caricature of what you want to believe Christians look like and think.

I once thought I was playing Eve for several hours, turns out I just change my PC wallpaper to a starscape and left Excel open

That’s why I prefer lean muscles and not extreme bulk.