
I was in Athens earlier this year... Really dirty city tbh. The rest of Greece is gorgeous, I just honestly cannot recommend visiting Athens to anyone. They do use some of the stadiums on a daily basis though (from what we saw) and they have a great highway system thanks to the Olympics.

A flight I was on was having some issues with their system... When I saw it was linux based my first thought was "I wonder if someone could hack this?" Turns out the answer is yes lol.

I wouldn't say the community is completely dead - the sales have helped get people to buy it so there are enough to have full matches but I would recommend never spending more than $30 on this game. In no way do I see $60 justified for the base game - the single player is multiplayer with a voice overlay and some

luckily I kept all my Legos from when I was kid, now they are sitting in bins at my parents house waiting for my wife and me to buy a place big enough to store them for future baby xestys

I received a random friend invite while playing destiny... Normally I ignore them but decided to accept it and see what happens. Ended up being a young gamer who probably only knows of COD games considering everything he referenced came back to COD. With that came the usual chatter you expect from kids his age but

I received a random friend invite while playing destiny... Normally I ignore them but decided to accept it and see what happens. Ended up being a young gamer who probably only knows of COD games considering everything he referenced came back to COD. With that came the usual chatter you expect from kids his age but

One character in ESO has always peaked my curiosity... Cadwell. Is he mentioned in a previous Elder Scroll games (which technically would be in the future timeline wise) or was he created just for the ESO universe?

The reason I didn't list NFC is because of the lack of it in iPhones - which no matter how much we all enjoy our Androids, the majority of the people who travel for conferences use iPhones. (Hopefully they add it to the iPhone 6)

Hotels are unanimously known for terrible internet. The weak signals, slow speeds and horrible log in methods all contribute to a bad experience for everyone. To really improve the customer experience, hotels should focus on top of the line internet and increase the amount of access points provided for their guests.

Yup, future wars wont be based on body count... they will be based on the "fire sale" idea (shut down all systems of the "enemy").

Huh, I could have sworn I watched some trees explode lol

I want... no I need this table. now.

most of the city seems to be built out of papier-mâché

Is it OK that she's hanging out with this guy, knowing that he wants to get in her pants? Well, a lot depends on how she's feeling about the situation. Perhaps he's able to separate his attraction from their friendship enough to make it tolerable for her to continue being his friend. Perhaps she's ignoring his crush

Time are tough over at Nintendo when Mario has to start pole dancing to provide an income for his family.

Too bad work is sending me to San Diego instead of LA... oh well :(

I feel like all of that metal would vibrate from the speakers and not be very sturdy...