
Doesn't effect me at all. Still will live stream the same way I currently do with the HDMI cable.

lol I can NEVER get the two correct. I have yet to find a way to remember which one is used when.

um... "Sunshine State" is Florida. "The Golden State" is California

I really hope they do, it would help out a lot haha

boo to the predefined cities... other then that its pretty cool

I wonder if they let you group the 2000 psn friends into groups to help manage who can see "personal details"

fueled by dragon blood

Mr. Morris might actually be one of the few sport athletes that doesn't go bankrupt soon after retirement if he keeps with this mentality! bravo good sir!

it comes from getting a BFA in Graphic Design ;)

Paint it to match the wall color or a complimentary color to your wall color (let the wife decide for even better results). Explain that everything will be lined up in a uniform grid and emphasize the organization it can provide ;) You can also outline the back of the peg board (since it has to stick off the wall a

It makes anyone from New York look like a Taxi lol

Unless the "red" is a red arrow. Red circular light with no signs = stop, then you can turn right, Red arrow light = stop, cannot turn right until green. (I assume you already know this but figured I would lay it out plain and simple for anyone else reading).

lol obtrusive* :P

I think i sense a bit of hostility towards her...

"a night dark enough to see the milky way" You know when you should stop listening to an college professor? When she says you cannot see the milky way from earth. (yes she actually said that and was dead serious).

From xXTomCatXx

Glad to hear they fixed the issues causing it to fall apart (lol) - I hope they can get the modular design to work properly because it really is an awesome idea that it seems we are having to play catch-up with other nations on. I haven't read anything about the Freedom so i'll take your word for it :)

So did they fix all of the issues or are they just ignoring them?

I thought this ship had too many issues to be even considered sea worthy?