
lol @ free range factories.

Animation takes a lot longer then most people think... I thought it was going to be a fun class when I was doing it for graphic design... the time and effort that goes into animating =/= the amount you will get paid for it. Animators should honestly get paid a lot more for the work they do.

Ahhh Dr. Nick! That explains everything!

Did he ever expand as to which "doctors" told him this? Something as off the wall as "legitimate rape" and "a way to try to shut the whole thing down" is too crazy to think he came to this conclusion on his own.

Nope it is upside down. you are correct :)

Honestly i haven't seen this negativity you have been talking about but where I live is also a big tattoo area so I don't see it in my every day life either. The only time iv been slightly bugged by a tattoo was a friend who would go get a tattoo just because the tattoo artist needed to practice. It became a mess of

Most of the negativity comes from tattos without a purpose - which is obviously not the case here.

Don't forget the blinking feature!

lol the artist depicted what the 90s should have been... not what it actually was.

"putting the east on top of the world and north with south spread out on either side of the Equator." Now I get it, carry on :)

I picked up the 550 for ~$150 and it runs everything on max (although I don't play crysis). Never buy the best when it comes to PC b/c it will drop in price within a month when the next version comes out.

Did you read the title? Turn our map to the side (although its a globe, not a map)


Yeah i dont get what they were trying to do with the whole split design... its like they had 2 concepts and stuck them together.

You are more worries about a disk load system over a tray? With the tray you place a disk on a plastic surface that then slides into the console - which has never been a fluid operation, the disk will vibrate and slide around on that tray when it goes in and out (no that's what she said statements). The disk load

on Chrome, it has Hong as spelled wrong but Kong as spelled correctly lol. weirdness

lol I like how he put Hong King twice.

Yeah it sucks lol. My father-in-law is putting my wife and I on his AT&T family plan to save us ~$100/m. It's stupid we have to do it though just to get a decent price.