
They are only "very eager to claim that everything derives from that game, even if you show them concrete examples of it appearing in earlier work..." because they find it funny to troll people and if anyone posts anything about them being wrong they then start insulting them.

I can definitely relate to the "ashamed of a being a gamer." I started playing video games way too much when Tribes was first released ( I lived in Alaska) and would sneak to my dad's office a few blocks away where he had internet and play all night... I am just glad I grew up hiking, camping, and so forth because it

It already sticks out without the need for underbody lights... The company i worked for had a couple of them to use... nothing in that car makes sense from the rubber bands on the doors that can't hold anything, the ripples in the roof panel, The fabric circle thing on the dask that leans forward so anything you put

no, in those 7 years i only spent ~$100 in upgrade

I just replaced my computer this year (excuse to buy a new one so the wife could play games with me) and my old one of 7 years still runs every game that is released - no where near max setting and stuck on dx9 but still works great! I have updated a few parts over those 7 years but nothing more then $100.

I think it's just the tint on the windows that makes it look unreal. Looks like a gradient instead of glass lol

He would like to think so lol

Nah, when it gets down to the 1 pixel cube - it will turn into a building game where you then start adding all the blocks you just took off... never ending tapping...

By definition of what a "real pirate" is... Kim could never even be considered a pirate let alone give them a bad name due to the fact that the act of piracy is stealing while Kim is just making money off the digital property pirates steal.

Glad someone else posted this method lol. Back in college I would email myself projects I was working on just in case my portable HDD decided to fail. Free backup essentially as well as another means of retrieving the project if need be (saved me a couple times when projects were due)

Yeah i saw someone with this in Florida a month ago...

lol whats with the GTA typeface... Cool app although I'm not too keen on sticking magnets on my electronics

Evidently the Avalon Pier is in 3 parts now too

"Death By Not Evacuating When You're Told To"

Move your house to higher ground ;)

I wouldn't be surprised if the Router address was just taken offline by who ever is hosting it rather then a wide spread outage.

lol i think they comment system bugged on me as well or else we just made the exact same mistake...

So they are trying to compete with Spike? I would probably watch it if they had some actually useful shows instead of shows about cops & (half) naked women... Things like style/grooming tips, car shows (now that Speed is pretty much dead...), hobbies for guys, etc. Things that appeal to working guys who are married

posted on the wrong story...