
I am more interested in how the structural engineers got it to work with minimal columns in the main showroom

It seems to only be available for Toronto

I am working on getting my main to 80 (lvl 67 right now) and pacing myself with it, trying to 100% some zones, explore, jump quests, WvW, as well as other random stuff. On my next character I probably won't be striving for any level, more of just doing dynamic events and playing with others more.

Sprint's 4G / LTE is still pretty limited. I live in a city that has "4G coverage" yet its still spotty and im lucky to get it in most places even though it says I should have it. (Epic 4G Touch) When I first got my phone the 4G was significantly faster than 3G, lately though it is only slightly better than 3G... Not

Haha the one time I went to play, the manager drove out to make sure we weren't trying to flip the golf cart or something - he was shocked when it was just me trying to get the stupid little white ball in the hole... give me a soccer ball and i'm set.

If I were to use this, I am pretty sure the screen would just say "Quit."

I can drive stick to the point of if needed in an emergency but I am still not comfortable with it enough for an every day car. Too much worrying about stalling when i have to make the left before oncoming traffic comes (which seems to be every turn on my way to work) and getting hit by someone not paying attention :/

Or a horrible date if it ends in one of the "mysterious acceleration" incidents ;)

Yeah those all have to do with policies, im looking for actual laws about it. Thanks for the input though :) and I agree, it is still a very big gray area... a gray area that really shouldn't be a grey area with all of these companies using the "cloud" service with their sensitive data.

Here's a question that I have yet to find a solid answer for in dealing with the cloud.

Haha that's awesome. You should probably link to the ant article though.

I think we (my group of friends and I) figured out the Join in issue... yeah its annoying as crap lol.

i read a post on jalopnik about it, its a "work in progress" to get the most beneficial posts available for people to read instead of it getting stuck in the back when other people posted.

If you look at the shadow @ 00:10 - 00:15 where there is nothing behind him. You can also see the cameras mounted on a metal bar.

You can pay $$ to unlock weapons with damage buffs for a period of time as well as other stat boosters. I don't have a specific list on hand but its that sort of thing they are adding. In EVE, from what I hear, it is just cosmetic things... crazy prices but just cosmetic.

I don't think we watched the same video...

If they start going by, "Oh the tip is orange it must be a prop" then those who want to shoot cops will just paint the tip of their guns orange.

Haha myself and everyone I have talked to who has been in the beta for a while has stopped playing it after a few days... I gave it a month of trying to play and and just can't. Everything is so half assed. I feel they tried to cram everything into a game without polishing a single thing first. The micro transactions

I'm pretty sure the same was said about blockbuster, borders, tower records, etc.

"Easy Draw PRO" for $1.25.... its normally $3?