
A hatchback certainly is certainly not “doing it all” the same as a pickup truck for much of anything. A hatchback trying to do it all is a compromise of all those things.

Ask for forgiveness not permission. ;)


I always hated the “sorry if we offended you” idea. Don’t make a conditional apology, just leave it as a simple “we fucked up, sorry.”

Modding is the greatest reason to play PC games. Not only does it extend the life of a game, it also lets people add genitals to their favorite games.

I haven’t played the game yet, so, hard to say.

Here’s the question, though, and I only ask this because it makes for a good discussion point (I don’t feel strongly one way or another): would you have even noticed if not for this article?

Them being on by default is the right situation.

Hey man, I’m just trying to help out. Gotta please those investors.

Internal reviews and testing probably made it clear this one doesn't have the legs to warrant multiple DLC additions.

I’m already bored of it after just a few hours.

You just became the school kid that reminds the teacher theres a quiz on the day you aren’t ready haha

*checks gut*

A reduction in piracy won’t = an increase in sales. it’ll just result in less games being played by pirates.

i’m exaggerating a bit but, for me, that ‘process’ looked a bit like this!

When you’re focused on survival and not being murdered in your sleep, culture sort of takes a back seat.


When someone (Nokia, maybe? can’t recall) first added a camera to a cell phone, producing those crummy pictures some of us still recall, I thought: who needs it? Who will ever use it, when they can just carry around a little digital point-and-shoot?

Somehow, I knew that he was going to say Franky was American.

That was the most proper way of using the word “wasted” ever.

Ya know the problem with this article? It assumes Jimmy Kimmel didn’t want this reaction from YouTubers. He did.