
Right now I’ve been playing a lot of very nerdy sandbox games, “finishing” Mount & Blade: Bannerlord by getting to the point where I had my own kingdom and was strong enough that I could go conquer the world, but I just couldn’t be arsed to siege/bribe everyone so I called it enough. I’m now playing through its

Most importantly, Radio General lets you take a break to smoke your pipe or swirl your brandy around. They serve no gameplay purpose, but you’re a classy Canadian general in 1942 so of course you have your pipe and brandy handy.

No controller is complete without a nose button, how else will you know which button to nose? Mixed-button nosing is hardly advisable these days, after all.

RIP :(

I never played Warband so here’s some stuff I didn’t realize until several hours after they would’ve been good to know:

I really hope the game manages to betterdivorce the UI and graphics from the simulation as part of this. The community is already doing things like Stonesense and Dwarf Therapist without direct support for modding, and I’d love to see what sort of front end people could do with better tooling.

It varies but programmers in games tend to be the least vulnerable of the rank and file. They can quit and get another job with better pay and better hours if they get sick of being treated like shit.

Nice to know that I wasn’t the only one whose immediate reaction to the Synthesis ending — and the other two as well, really was “this is utterly monstrous.” I remain vaguely baffled that BioWare did not anticipate people being unhappy with them ending their big heroic space opera by making players choose between 3

Not a lot to be sure but there are some serious revival groups. Notably, a bit over 1% of the population of Iceland are members of the Ásatrú Fellowship which officiates weddings, has its own graveyard and is supposed to have a modern temple finished any year now. There’s also a couple thousand adherents belonging to

I thought Pillars 2 was a huge upgrade on 1. The first game had a lot of pacing issues and the combat system was pretty rough, especially on release, being generally chaotic and with a lot of trap choices. The expansion was a big improvement but still ultimately kinda flawed.

The new Penguin origin story is that he’s in fact a regular penguin mutated by a strict diet of deep-fried Mars bars and Irn-Bru after the zoo closed down.

I just want to echo the general sentiment that this was a fantastic article.

The Bluetooth rune is a ligature of the H (ᚼ) and B (ᛒ) runes in younger Futhark, standing for Norwegian king Harald Bluetooth after whom the protocol is named. G for Gormsson would’ve been a ᚴ.

Seriously, this entire “controversy” is one of the weirder things I’ve seen. Blizzard are going out of their way to make sure that the playerbase isn’t being fractured by doing a massive free content update and engine overhaul in Overwatch 1 in order to guarantee crossplay. It’s incredibly odd to have people complain

It’s very important that the game where I fight sentient fluids as a magical cow person that shoots moon lasers has accurate gene propagation mechanics.

Zachtronics have added really excellent solitaire minigames to all their more recent releases. Shenzen I/O’s extremely excellent solitaire was even turned into a separate release, including a very thematically appropriate MS DOS version (“The game requires an IBM compatible PC with a 386 or better, at least 640 kB of

It’s not far off, amusingly. One of the premises of the book is that history is exactly cyclical, the titular wheel. Our present day is the mythic past for the book characters, with oblique references to some age long past ending with two giants annihilating each other with spears of (nuclear) fire. The present day of

Brothers are already in the game!

Little known fact: this is because Roots sousaphonist Tuba Gooding Jr. is in fact an immortal vampire feeding of Cuba Gooding Jr.’s precious life energy.