
The problem is that it kills indiscriminately. That’s not what we ‘need.’ That’s just swirling the toilet a bit. The water is still every bit as dirty and foul as it was before.

No, overconsumption. Sure, one human being could pollute all they want, but that still wouldn’t make it ok.

So COVID-19 is short for “Coronavirus Disease 2019"?

“and killing off a good percentage of us would do the world”

Was an interesting read about the potato’s roots.

Also for your consideration, it is just ever so slightly

Well, they are, because the theaters are closed across Asia and even in Europe there’s a lot of tickets they can’t sell.

When people watched the first trailer, they were horrified by his human looking teeth.  Back to the drawing board

Can you imagine the uproar if he had touched a woman no matter what the circumstances? His political career would have been over. 

Now that we all have some ... Time to Kill

Now playing

So I guess No Time to Die just needed...a little more time to live.


First they made them smaller and lied about it, then they reduced the number in the package and kept the price the same, then they replaced the delicious Dairy Milk chocolate with dogshit, and the filling literally makes my teeth hurt now.

They are GARBAGE.

My wife still likes em though, so we usually end up

Anyone who had them years ago knows this is true. They used to be so delicious, I only allowed myself two per season. I would go into a Cadbury Coma afterward. Now I wouldn’t take one for free. I’d as soon choke down one of those Jolly Rancher marshmallow abominations.

I don’t know when they changed the recipe but I don’t think it’s just nostalgia talking when I say modern creme eggs are nothing like I remember as a kid or even a teenager. I remember rich, gooey, flavorful filling and now it’s usually semi-solid sugar with next to no taste other than ‘overly sweet’. 

You should set every Cadbury Egg on fire because they’re garbage.

I agree with all of this. She (Kim) just looks so try-hard, all the time.

The photo at the top of the article IMHO shows the difference between you wearing the clothes versus the clothes wearing you. As repellant as these are, Kourtney is wearing hers while Kim is not for a whole variety of reasons. I never realized what broad shoulders Kim has. And her head looks abnormally small with the

The thing that drives me insane about the K clan is this. Kim looks fucking ridiculous. You do you but, the thing is this. There are young women out there comparing themselves to all of them. You will NEVER have a body like Kim’s, she didn’t even have a body like hers. Waist training, plastic surgery, fillers etc etc

Ok, and?

I have to hand it to KFC to finally come up with a plan to rid us of our current president, collateral damage be damned.