
Having a few people over that have been taking every big precaution is going to be pretty low risk compared to, say, heading to the theater.

Invite some friends or family

$19.99 is too high. At least in my area. They need to charge what the normal price of admission is. For me that would be under $10 at the theater I normally go to.

In case you were wondering, the croutons were tasty.

Straight from the source (about halfway down the page): 

I’ve got no scruples and a WaPo subscription, so here ya go:

Repost the recipe here?

Could you point me to a recipe for that chickpea dish in the article image?

Don’t forget that American manufacturing relies on Chinese suppliers for their parts. 

I’ve never heard his podcast. I feel like he’s self absorbed just by watching him on his show. I still watch because I like food and the people that create it. 

Lol! I actually HAVE eaten at McD’s in other countries - the fries were almost universally the same however the main sandwiches varied quite a bit - pork in one country was more popular than beef, for example.

Just about every part of that seems unnecessary and not anywhere near as entertaining as they probably thought when they filmed it.

Ok genius, why is Germany considered part of the West when it’s east of the Prime Meridian?

Are you really incapable of understanding the difference between the midwest of the United States and the Midwest of the World?

The terms “near east”, “middle east”, and “far east”, don’t need to inherently exist, and I feel like you’re being pretty obtuse if you don’t realize that they’re describing more than the distance away from the meridian.

The current prime meridian was determined by 26 countries, and three were “asian countries”, Ottoman empire, Russia and Japan. Well i guess British India as well...

in the ugly delicious spinoff, he got high with Seth Rogen in Vancity and flung a crab up in the air when returning it to sea

Never forget when he was an absolute asshole to the pizza delivery driver for, heaven forbid, having to do a ride along segment for his show.

Not to mention his obvious pursuit at trying to be the next Bourdain...Ill give this new season of UD a shot, but i have a feeling i’ll be hate-watching it.

I kinda got fed up with David Chang during his last show, Getting High And Takeout With My Famous Friends, when he found it hilarious to abuse animals.