
It’s disgusting. “Birthday cake” is its own separate flavor from “actually good cake” in that it deliberately tastes artificial and shortening-heavy. 

Their next step is to land without a parachute. Says so right there in the article.

Right there with you. “Birthday cake” as a flavor is boring and basic AF. Birthday cake as an object should be chocolate with cannoli cream filling and chocolate ganache.


Not a fan...just give me chocolate and call it a day.

Agree they should leave people alone. But harassment's about power, not horniness.

It is gross. Even in it’s intended form. And I’m convinced it’s the new pumpkin spice. Everywhere I turn it’s birthday cake this and that. There’s even an energy drink flavored like that. And those are already too sweet. 

The fact that he can take off vertically and land with a parachute I think makes this markedly different than a plane 

Am I the only one who thinks “birthday cake flavor” sucks? Even in the form of a birthday cake? Overly sweet with vaguely vanilla-like notes? When my office birthday roles around I pull a Creed Bratton and ask for a pie.

Do you really think your run of the mill strip clubber would recognize Constance Wu?

Alternative title: Rice Balls You’ll Never Want to See Again

My first reaction too. I guess there are some people who would be like, “Oooh how pretty! I love cats!” but I’m like, “No, that’s a severed head on a platter.”

Yeaaaaah.... not sure how to feel about that severed cat head on a plate.

Exactly! I even keep the cooked pancakes in a warm oven until I finish the batch so everyone’s pancakes are warm. I’m not making a decorative board with them!

Oh boy, cold pancakes and cold bacon for breakfast so you can Instagram your food a new way. But at least now you also have a mountain of food waste for all the stuff you don’t end up eating, so it’s a win-win.

This is the correct take.  Cold pancakes, no matter how well prepared, taste like cardboard.

One of my friends posted this on facebook and I will respond here as I did there.

You seem to know a lot more about my life than even I do, it’s great.

Bro, I’m from western France’s countryside. If I’ve met that many non binary people as you think I have, I definitely didn’t know it, and they definitely didn’t themselves ^^ There is more pigs than people in my entire state. Most of the people are

"You know that dessert people make, with bananas and banana pudding and Vanilla wafers? "