
I’m collecting plant poo so I can hold one more weapon...

That’s how I see it. Never got the point of collecting all that crap in games, epecially when the prize is a weapon that I will never use because I’ve done everything in the game at that point.

What’s interesting is, xFateAwaitsx still has 459 seeds in his inventory. From the video Patricia posted in the comments, we also see that Hetsu had already fully expanded all their equipment slots. So, except for this golden pile of shit, there is literally no other reason to collect more than 441 seeds.

Two trees will be identical, one will have extra apples. You remove the extra apples to make all the trees look alike.

IMO this was one of the most innovative and important decisions they made on BotW. It gave the game much more of a survival feel and made every piece of loot significant - rather than vendor trash.

nooooooo if there were blacksmiths that could fix red weapons, then we’d all constantly feel obliged to fast travel back to a town the minute anything turned red. Think about it, you’re in the middle of exploring a really cool new area and your beloved sword turns red... welp, better go get it fixed. We’d negate the

I’ve never heard of this person before, but that is a pretty tame joke to carry that much backlash. Get a grip, guys.

Yes because in the world today the real enemy is a guy who made a completely harmless (if stupid) joke.

Well that sucks. I liked his dynamic/chemistry with Greg. He was already doing his own thing with the “Colin Was Right” series, and his presence on their shows had shrunk due to the time and effort he was putting into that series. I wonder if they’re going to try and bring in someone else.

Now playing

Only Imperial Stormtroopers are that precise.

Having used it at PAX, I’d say its nowhere near as bad as people seem to think it is.

If you use trailers that start with the Playstation logos (or things of that nature), it doesn’t work. If you start when both the actual trailers of the game begins, it works.

Needs an option where you just binge watch netflix with the demons until you all fall asleep then wake up at 2am and go to dennys. That would be sexy as fuck.

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

God I wish there was a Chrome extension to filter out asshats...

I agree. I taven’t read the issue yet, but what relationship does Rhodey have with any of those characters? I don’t recall him ever partnering up with or being friends with any of them. Tony or Carol make the most sense to mourn him or even Hawkeye, since Rhodey was a founding West Coast Avenger but Luke Cage,

Where are the Link(Saber) and Link(Lancer)? Not holding out for the Link(Assassin/Sorceror/Berserker)

Personally it just seems to be a story about how much easier things would be if proprietary charging formats weren’t a thing.

Optimistic compared to human drivers that is. I’m pretty sure a driverless car will be able to sense you before it rear ends you at a stop light going 50. Plus, it won’t ever get intoxicated, it wont ever get tired, it’ll never get distracted, they won’t drive like hooligans, they won’t road rage. I think you’re a