
As a rule, I buy every port of CT that comes out. Off the top of my head, that means SNES, broken PS1, NDS, Wii, broken mobile, and still broken PC even after they patched a tiny bit of the brokenness. ...Square really sucks at classic JRPG ports...

What I got out of this as a whole: Get the PC version and wait for the mods.

Now for the biggest gripe with the article itself:
Radical Dreamers, a 1996 mini-visual novel that bridges the events of Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross

He legally can’t field questions about ongoing litigation.

Could you please stop wording these articles as “best” and use “most popular” instead? Because as they are, the phrasing is disingenuous at best, clickbait for those that fail at basic reasoning at worst. The two concepts have practically nothing to do with one another.

Could you please stop wording these articles as “best” and use “most popular” instead? Because as they are, the

I hated this game. My feelings on practically everything mentioned here were the polar opposite of the feelings expressed here. I 100%ed the game, but I never would have done so if not for the fact that I was streaming it on Twitch.

I refuse to consider any controller that doesn’t have a split d-pad as even in the running for a best controller toplist. And no, the stock DualShock 4 does not have a split d-pad, it has a plus d-pad with 4 bumps that poke up through the faceplate.

Or Celeste.

*sees Chrono Cross* *reflexive “NO!”*

I actually disagree with the notion that using terms that people who have not already included themselves in a group is an exclusionary thing. On the contrary, hearing a term you’re unfamiliar with can and often does pique someone’s curiosity so that they ask about it to find out what it’s all about. It can transform

Apple Jacks taste pretty much exactly like southern fried apples, a standard piece of southern culinary cuisine. The marketing department that ran that ad campaign all about them not tasting like apples clearly was made up of people who had never set foot in the south. Which is obvious. The people in marketing

Are these the same ignorant people who in the past used that fake KC Masterpiece barbecue sauce as their central point of reference for barbecue sauce? Because if so, I really don’t care what any of you have to say on any food, ever.

Are these the same ignorant people who in the past used that fake KC Masterpiece barbecue sauce as their central point of reference for barbecue sauce? Because if so, I really don’t care what any of you have to say on any food, ever.

Literally, none of that is true. New Coke resulted from Coca-Cola Company switching the formula of Coke out for the formula of Diet Coke (which was fairly different) and just using corn syrup instead of the artificial sweetener. Not from an attempt to taste like Pepsi. Heck, you contradicted yourself repeatedly

I’m guessing you weren’t actually around for all of that...

Proclips.com, for mounts specifically designed for your car. Because legal issues aside, every single one of those previous options is fundamentally flawed.

Or you could just get a car that supports Android Auto and Apple CarPlay and ignore the issue entirely (as the vast supermajority of new cars do these days). Sure,

Proclips.com, for mounts specifically designed for your car. Because legal issues aside, every single one of those

Even once time passes and all the tier lists really start to shake out, they really don’t matter in the slightest unless you’re playing at a pro level. Much of what goes into tier lists are minuscule differences in recovery frames and hitboxes and all sorts of other things that a casual player is never going to be

Can I just point out that, speaking as a CS expert, you should never, ever use a Switch charger to charge your phone? It’s dangerously badly engineered in such a way that the also poorly engineered Switch USB-C port is the only thing that’s completely safe to use it with. Properly designed USB-C chargers have all

Although one thing is constant when we’re talking about casual, “for fun” matches with a bunch of friends:

By the way (and I would’ve edited this into my original comment, but your janky comment system is mostly broken as usual), this is purely anecdotal of course, but I have yet to meet a single real person who hates World of Light who has ACTUALLY TRIED IT. Yes, I know people who claim to hate it, but they outright

“Much-maligned”? Vocal minority, yo.