
Neither studio involved has ever done an RPG of any kind. Note that Square Enix is a publisher, not a studio. You shouldn’t base your theories on preconceptions from a specific subset of games they publish that you fallaciously associate with the name.

...What are you even talking about? I’m literally the guy the comment of yours that I replied to was talking about. And I wasn’t calling anyone a troll, I was referring to how YOU called ME one. Do you even read?

[Just came back to Kotaku for the first time in forever to see this.]

This is why I replaced my PS4's hard drive with a 2TB the day I bought it, over 2 years ago.

This reminds me of the first time I played the original Sonic the Hedgehog on a friend’s Sega Genesis and it suddenly started writing messages to me using my real name in the stage background.

Once you “buy” it for free, it is yours. This isn’t a free weekend, the actual price is discounted to “free” this weekend.

Speaking as a guy who actually has experience working with CPU architecture, this is a myth. Sure, being able to address more memory is ONE advantage of 64-bit (that having been said, there are actually ways to use far more than 4GB of RAM with 32-bit systems, most devs just aren’t smart enough to make it happen), but

Which is a terrible argument when you stop and realize there are open world games out there that are more densely-packed with things to do yet also far less buggy.

Body pillows have been a thing for almost as long as head pillows have.

Most Japanese straight up porn games have had this since the 90s. It honestly amazes me that slightly-more-mainstream ecchi games like this one haven’t always do this.

But how am I supposed to get my mom to come and clean my apartment for me once a month if I don’t allow her access to my apartment?

You can mitigate this quite a bit by switching your status in the Friends feature to “offline.” Then your friends at least won’t get notifications when you play it. Then you just have to hope that none of your friends ever bother to peruse your massive wall of shame for no reason, which in my experience not many

Two quick notes:

“That would change the way we perceive the length of any game”? There were games back in the NES and SNES era that already did the very thing you just described. Having a way to end the game at any stage of the story you wish and get multiple endings as a result is not a revolutionary feature.

Nintendo has already thoroughly confirmed that he is definitely a he for all the insane doubters that are still out there who don’t have an understanding of basic anatomy.

Believe it or not, autonomous asshat detection has already been done. Machines are now statistically far more accurate at it than humans (who, in general, are terrible at it).

I literally just bought this a few days ago....

I literally just bought this a few days ago....

It’s been done already.