I know I’m supposed to respond with a joke, but I suspect the velvet rope is there because the house is for sale and people are walking through it.
I know I’m supposed to respond with a joke, but I suspect the velvet rope is there because the house is for sale and people are walking through it.
Can’t believe he had the Gall to cumin the ring at all. He got peppered with strikes in a way that’s not gonna curry favor with the UFC much longer.
Ha of course they won’t.
Looking at the previous post’s comments... it takes video evidence for someone to believe the man. She hit him, choked him, and he pushed her away and she fell down some stairs and HE was the brutal “man” who needed punished.
I thought this was a politics site?
Those fans can’t melt real teams!
Then stop letting your 4-year old watch the news and play a game with him, or have him go play outside, or do ANYTHING BUT WATCH THE NEWS...
Where do 4yo children watch the news? At home. They don’t choose to watch the news... it’s turned on for them.
“He replied, “No! I am not listening to him! Donald Trump says dangerous things and he hurts people! I am not listening to anything he says. The D was supposed to win. I am so mad at this”
He ran a racially divisive campaign and got fewer votes than the last two Republican candidates for president. It would seem pretty apparent that the people went out and voted along party lines, same as they do every year for any candidate regardless of party affiliation.
And Hillary still could not win.
As the bloodbath among Democrats begins, don’t all just dump on Hillary and the DNC. A lot of this is the fact that Obama was an ineffective president.
Suck it Magary!
Yup. These are my viewer.
600 people asking to work and be paid in the summer when the need is probably a tiny fraction of that actually does seem like a lot to ask to me.
idiots who ran Gawker...
If Noah doesn’t want to support an organization that ruins young men’s lives then he shouldn’t have signed with the Knicks.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he preemptively e-mailed each of them to decline.
“Yeah, I had one of those too.” - David Blatt