
Ditto. Two things I didn't know until the internets blew up...

I asked for it... you got a problem with that?

I was/am a HUGE fan of Tempest 2000 and bought the Jaguar CD just for the visualizer Minter created [I was psyched when I heard he worked on the Xbox 360's]. I even liked Space Giraffe and bought it through Steam. However, Jeff Minter's obsession with animals, [furries] creeps me the hell out.

Source: I heard it from a guy somewhere.

From a UI designer, Metro is far, far from "amazing". It's really nauseating to work with something that's even more rigidly set than Apple.

Agreed. And this is even attempting to be [somewhat] my kind of thing.

Looks slightly like my Subaru B9t.

To answer the title of this article. Nooooooooooo!

Consider for yourself that 'music' and 'audio' are not two mutually-exclusive terms and go hog-wild from there.

It's 'por-skee' or 'porsh' right? At least that's what growing up in Utah taught me.

"Music Nerd" does not equal "Audiophile"

So what was this 2.4 that was supposed to come out with enhanced support for dual cores? I think maybe it was just going to be called Gingerbread 2.4 or something similar. I need to pay more attention.

Chuck Norris? Really? Ugh.

Bestest? Samsung? Meh.

Wait, isn't ICS supposed to be 2.4?

When I create a web application I only test in Firefox and IE, am I using anti-competetive techniques against Safari, Chrome, Opera? No, I just can't be bothered to waste hours on end, tweaking the parts of code for the tiny percentage of users it might alienate [all 12 of you who don't have IE or Firefox AT ALL. At

I like how the ad COVERING the picture for this article is a huge Blackberry ad.

I'm sorry I called something by its industrially-and-socially-accepted norm, wagnerrp, arbiter of ridiculous rules of language.

Wow you're irritating.

Oh man, king of comedy up in this thread, folks.