
Hurrrrrr Android fragmentation, durrrrr iPhone superiority.

Am I kawaii, uguu?

Ugh, no thanks. Overrated garbage.

It already did... Wipeout 2048. Dubstep is NOT AG racing music.

Still remember it by heart, 2,1,2,down,up.

Thank you for telling me what I do and don't want, mommy.

I'm a UI designer, and I guess I'm in a minority here, but I find Metro is a disaster of unusability, the uniformity in design is completely forced and unnatural. I'm not saying Android is perfect, and IOS is its own little mess.

Good. I hate to say it, as a previously long-time WinMo supporter, but WP7 needs to die a really REALLY painful death. It might show MS that the whole Metro thing is ridiculous and give them some pause on why they're screwing up so badly with Win8.

When you yourselves use the term, you no longer get to call the internet "it", you have become part of "we".

Um, no.

Keep sucking that Apple dong you biased morons.

A more brilliant man than the entirety of Gawker's sites and their writers combined. Let's ignore him because you don't get his point of view.

Can we just have an option to turn Sense OFF? I like Sense 3.x a bit more than AOSP Gingerbread, but Sense 3.6 and 4.0 so far have done nothing but clutter AOSP ICS.

Not outlandish = no style?

Oh no, what will us poor Android folk to without the completely unique Facetime and Siri? Surely there are exactly zero alternatives that are just as locked to one platform and bad at finding information you actually want.

"If you need any further proof that handguns should be illegal..." your soapbox is made out of tissue. People like you are the reason progressives collectively have no balls and rarely accomplish anything.

The music for that stage is Smooth Criminal sped up. You can't un-hear it once you've heard it.

Sure thing, thanks for the link.

Or you might know him as the dude who got felt up at George Takei's bachelor party.

Steam, please?!?!