Xenu Cruise

Isn't it about time for season 2 of Twelve Monkeys to hit Hulu?

How long are they going to make me wait for Banshee Season 3?!?

Samoa Joe

Tremors 5 was really bad and I fully expect Part 6 to be absolute garbage. I can't wait to watch it.

Before Sunrise and Before Sunset but not Before Midnight? Shame.

"Verbally abusive and physical". What does that even mean? If your kid was throwing silverwear and you yelled at him to stop and grabbed it out of his hand, could that be considered verbally abusive and physical? It isn't the same as physically abusive so lets not send him to Actor Prison (hi Mel Gibson!) yet.

It has been almost two years. How long is it going to take the jury to render a verdict?

I live in New York City. I feel your pain.

You aren't fooling anyone, George Lucas.

Did you forget about Richard Harrow?!?

I felt awkward just reading that.

I super-fanned in front of David Wright once. Do you think they'd let me pitch for the Mets?

You're a Bing man, man!

A bad comedian, sure, but a bad person? Do you have anything to back that up?

Yeah, every year at New York Comic Con they get asked about the wait and the answer is always "We are pretty much a two man operation. This stuff takes forever."

Rogue Nation (5) or Ghost Protocol (4)? I agree that Ghost Protocol is great and I just haven't seen Rogue Nation yet.