
Off topic: About a year ago I had this never-ending stuffy nose nasal drip bullshit thing going on that mostly just made me really snotty and cranky for about three weeks. I dragged my ass into work every day, though (no one else got sick). About a week in, my boss’s boss is all, “Hey, I heard that if you cut an onion

My dad almost died of meningitis when I was a kid. For the rest of her life, my mom will have a panic attack when anyone in the family gets a stiff neck.

I once met an anti-vaxxer who “didn’t believe” in modern medicine or drugs of any kind, refused to vaccinate her 3 kids, etc.

I am livid reading this. LIVID. BabyStu is 2 and even with the pneumococcal vaccine, meningitis is one of the worst fears parents have. Whenever your toddler gets really sick, it’s a panicked couple of days of trying to get them to communicate with you. Does your neck hurt? Do you think they’re moving jerkily/stiffly?

Thank you. Re: the second picture: my kitty does that to me EVERY DAY when I get home and I love it. We have to have Shoulder Time every day.

I wrote some very angry and very murderous things that I don’t want to hit “publish” on. So instead here are some cute animals.

FUCK these people and let’s let them lie in bed dying of meningitis and see if they refuse fucking medical care. Reminds me of my religious zealot cousin who refused to get prenatal care and insisted on a half-assed home birth but quickly raced her ass to the hospital when the baby wasn’t breathing and needed a

That is way more eloquent that I could possibly be. My only reaction was FUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK YOOUUUUUUUUUUU!

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.