
Thank you for using the term “jamokes” so seamlessly in the very apt description of the WR core around McNabb. That guy gets zero respect for a very above average career.

Please explain. I don’t think that reaction is beyond the pale snowflakey. Maybe the visceral reaction was because I’m southern.

So basically, he dedicated thousands of words to saying “Black people are naturally talented but lazy and arrogant so you shouldn’t draft them as quarterbacks.”

The racist mammy vibe is strong. You are not over thinking it.

Men don’t make women wear burqas or headscarves (at least not in non-Muslim states, but that’s a whole separate issue about how theocracies are bad). Most women choose to wear Islamic garments as an expression of their own personal faith. Sure we could argue about how that faith (like many faiths) and expressions of

Do you support banning Orthodox Jewish women from wearing wigs and scarves outside as well? Not to mention all the other sexism involved in lots of religion? Or do your views only apply to Muslim women?

The problem is, the kind of “boom” you get from having a pro-business guy in power doesn’t extend to the actual workers. The only “expansion” that occurs is in corporate profits and CEO pay. This isn’t even a vague hypothetical, the specific policies that Trump is advancing are things that have been done, and those

also, everytime that philosophy has been tried, it’s ended with income inequality, massive debts, and recessions

You are using a philosophical argument to argue about something that is physiological. It is human to notice beauty. It is human to share noticing beauty with others of the same sex. You can put in all of the context you want and it doesn’t change that human beings have been noticing each other since we evolved as

I can’t lie I don’t unless someone is being grossly inappropriate or cruel. I (nor the people I spend time with) say things out loud to anyone else. So, most of it involves things like, wow that woman has a great ass long after anyone would be in hearing range. Or such and such an actress looked fucking amazing in