
Maybe there was some kind of thermite involved. A kind of super thermite.

As far as I know, the Atari v. Whoever case in regards to making “backups” of games has never been turned down in the US.

I’ve seen an argument before, I think it was Pokemon or something, where people would actually claim the creators’ official romanization was “wrong.” In some cases, you kind of have to make that call. For example, for the longest time, ヴィオラート of ヴィオラートのアトリ, was officially romanized to “Violate”. Which ah, you can see

I try to drive defensively, so I try to predict when someone is going to be an idiot. And when they do make that dumb move, I just smugly remind myself they’re the idiot and sooner or later when that marvel of a thing called “rain” hits SoCal, their car will have a nice chat with a K-barrier.

“You’re kicking me off for expressing my opinion?!!”

It’s free advertising sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a winner.

I still don’t think that shortages are a causation for demand because again, if you’re artificially limiting your supply, you’re also artificially limiting your revenue. I mean, unless your business strategy is to stretch the milk from the cow for all its worth.

I could see this if it’s a very limited run period, but Nintendo hasn’t said anything to the fact.

I only see that if the item in question was previously a relatively unknown product that happened to get a cult following, like EarthBound.

If that person was already dead set on buying a Wii though, they would’ve bought it anyway. Having a shortage doesn’t really drive the person to want one even more. In fact, depending on how long they had to wait before it becomes available, they may not buy it at all, either due to waning interest or unexpected

What benefit does creating an artificial shortage do for a company?

There was an article that said if you’re going to make a fan game, at least file off the serial numbers before going public about it. Look at various other indie games that started as fan games only to change their names late in production. And the IP holders backed off.

European chicken farms have stricter sanitation rules at the pen than the US. Plus any European eggs with stuff you don’t want to see will quickly be ousted from the market.


The way I see it... you should be required to play the game’s content if you’re on a brand new account with the first character. Every character after that, you can pay to skip ahead up to where the farthest you’ve gotten.

Being overleveled for just about everything makes up for later. Because holy crap about that later.

I was told your body is super sensitive to pH imbalances in your blood.

I’m surprised Square Enix doesn’t have its own Pixar-like company.

Is it bad I’m looking at the screenshot and going “FFXII looked pretty much the same in graphical quality”?

But isn’t the “being thoughtful” part trying to think of what they want? :3