Prove that it was incorrectly installed. Prove that you didn’t take it off the car.
Just because you’re from out of state doesn’t mean you can commit infractions all day and not get penalized as long as you don’t come back. In fact, your home state (or wherever the car is registered) may penalize you on top of the state where you committed said infraction.
All these responses about removing the device and yet none of them address the fact your car has been Barnacled is in the system and they know to get you in the event the Barnacle has been removed.
You’d be surprised how often couriers deliver to the wrong address.
What if the retailer punches in the wrong address to the courier? What if the courier delivers it to the wrong address?
I’m having a hard time believing that learning how to ride fast and cut through corners will prepare you much better in the real world than the MSF course or any other motorcycle safety course.
Best Buy doesnt’ sell cheap crap cables. They sell expensive crap cables. :3
... This almost sounds like a mode that should exist in the actual game.
So basically a quick sort.
I stayed at home and bought Steam and Origin games.
If we’re going to touch FFXIII, how about Kingdom Hearts?
At least the officer and the cheese guy were jovial about it. Or appeared to be.
I got hit with a higher premium for my policy’s current term for what seemed to be an unexplained reason. It was basically a 200% hike.
Other characters not getting enough screentime!? Sounds like a recipe for a half dozen spin-offs to me!
Well... you can kill two birds with one stone (greenhouse gases and traffic) by reducing the number of vehicles on the road. Even if we magically become an EV society with all of our electricity from renewable or cleaner sources, it won’t solve the traffic problem (and I’m not confident self-driving vehicles will…
How not to be a jerk on Black Friday
I think the problem with the US is its fixation on car culture because it somehow means freedom. Why should you or I be tied down to transportation schedules? I should be able to leave whenever I damn please even if it’s “I’ll be there in 5 minutes when it takes 10"
I would presume the royal chariot would have a motorcade that did all the “turn signaling” for them.
Too many people are the problem.