The horror. THE HORROR.
The horror. THE HORROR.
The Story : a bunch of programmers making a fantasy cube game in 2011, after Minecraft but just before Minecraft got so big. Coding npc villages and dungeons, slowly. Then Notch and his team do it in Minecraft. So we stopped, our (not-so) original ideas now looking like pure ripoffs.
I hope funding goes well and you guys can get that special sauce in there that really makes the game fun. At least, so far it's looking playable and technically appears to work alright, so if your worst problems are the art looking bad because you're lacking artists (and the funding to get some, for now) then you're…
I'd wager that the majority of folks on here whining about the game's quality have little, if any first hand knowledge about what goes into making a game.
That, and these are probably the same people who constantly whine about games not getting better gameplay, being more innovative, not doing anything besides…
It's a game made by programmers from the business world, trailer done by 1 programmer. So the trailer looks bad - or just good enough IMO. But the game will be released, work for real on your pc, and be very dynamic in nature. And it can only look better at release, not worse! It's like the opposite of the multi…
AAAAAAAAAAA those character meshes! D: