So that means any late model Porsche or Ferrari has CAEBDs (Combustion-Accelerated Engine Bay Dryers)?
So that means any late model Porsche or Ferrari has CAEBDs (Combustion-Accelerated Engine Bay Dryers)?
I snorted when I read this. Why? Because a kid I knew in college had a 350 in this color and his dad totally had a dealership, bro.
My dream garage has a British Racing Green E-type convertible in it!
Nissan's Z-Car burnished copper/orange:
The problem with the cheaper half of high-performance front wheel drive cars is that they come with heaps of torque steer. Going straight shouldn't be an optional extra.
That sounds like another company I know. Man, if only I could reMember the naMe of that daMn company... This is really going to bother Me. And their perforMance group is, like, a one letter acronyM, too...
Screw you, Lance Armstrong. I have a new hero!
2. VW is ignoring everyone and just doing what they were going to do anyways.
Ok. This exchange has me cackling in my office. Thank you, fellow Jalop for making my Monday that much better!
I've posted this before, but I believe this certainly qualifies for the Sisko Facepalm. Enjoy:
To piggyback, VS, the psychological benefit of maintaining something nice, and having something nice be familiar, particularly in this situation, is almost invaluable.
Goddamn it! I do all of these.
The hubless wheels of Franco Sbarro offered light weight, great rigidity, and a host of other benefits. Plus they look so damn cool. Could you imagine a hubless donk?
Fuck you @DougDeDouchbag. Idaho has valet parking, we're just not stupid enough to hand over the keys you vapid shallow prick.
Thus endeth the trick.
The de Grasse Tyson has spoken. Thus endeth the lesson.
The wall. With fully run cables, clean mounts for tv and speakers, and components hidden elsewhere.
The wall. With fully run cables, clean mounts for tv and speakers, and components hidden elsewhere.