
"Oh shit, we're fucked," Garcia reportedly said as he pulled him out of the Ferrari, owned by bedding magnate Michael Fux.

Holy fuck, indeed.

What do you think:

Listening to this feel like something way more dramatic should happen then a car driving down a narrow road.

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Toyota LMP 1 Hybrid leaving the pit. Sounds like a weapon being prepped and nothing like a car starting out:

There is a cautionary tale in this data for sure, but it's also misleading because it focuses on degrees and their related fields. With most technical degrees, this makes sense. Engineers tend to engineer things. Med students tend to doctor. Nursing students tend to nurse. This argument becomes muddied however when

My boss once said under his breath as we entered a conference room, "meetings: where all of us are dumber than one of us."

This is pretty much my experience, too. Grew up with manual transmissions, so while I had to pass the state-mandated driver education program to get my license, I wasn't going to sit in a car without passing the true test: showing my mom and dad that I could handle a manual on hill-stops and in the wet without killing

General Motors is about to announce that it's recalling another 3.16 million cars for "ignition" problems, which will raise their total number of vehicles recalled in the United States to above 20 million cars.

"A turnaround expert with a record of changing a dysfunctional culture? That's pretty close to the job description the White House has in mind for someone to head the VA," USA TODAY Washington Bureau chief Susan Page said when asked about Mulally. "The problem is not only running a massive bureaucracy. It's also

It's so twitchy. It looks like it should be stable. Like he's so hopped up on Redbull and My Little Pony that driving a straight line is just ... impossible.

What happens when you hit a car at a couple hundred miles an hour? Wait, what car were we talking about? I don't see anything.

I wonder if DHS has heard about this new feature in technology called the "hard reset". Allegedly - and this is mere speculation - performing this difficult technical exercise will return the system to a default state. After looking at Dektronics web page, it appears to be a rather complicated process consisting of

I agree with you. My statement was a tongue-in-cheek reflection that absolute, unequivocal statements have a tendency to bite the stater in the ass.

Dennis Williams, the ex-Marine finance guy who just took over as president of the UAW, used his opening speech to say he doesn't want to give up concessions. http://www.detroitnews.com/article/201406...

Neutral: Do you buy it?

General Motors Co. will announce that more than a dozen employees and executives have been dismissed from the company or retired this monring as it releases at 9 a.m. Thursday the details of its internal investigation into why the automaker failed for years to recall 2.6 million cars linked to at least 13 deaths and