Well shit...
Well shit...
As in cars/parts imported from Japan?
Guffawed out loud at that. My office mate now thinks I'm crazy. Thanks.
Considering how xenophobic the Empire was, do you honestly believe they would be progressive enough to allow female Storm Troopers? Never mind the whole derived-from-a-single-donor clone scheme the prequels introduced.
That's a good hater response. You've left me with nothing, save "your mother smelled of Elder berries".
4-door sedans to be had on Carmax for under $45k right now:
Counter-Counter point, the same can be said of BRZs/FR-Ss, yet those cars also are sold with automatics. We're reaching the intersection of business and enthusiast use, and business will always win out - unless of course the business is enthusiast use, in which case good on 'em. In order for the company to justify the…
Instead of going over the GM recall, what do you think of an Abarth with an automatic? Heresy or necessary?
Someone spent time and effort animating this. It cost effort. Real, actual, defined effort. And we are all better for it...
I think it's the sound. Turn the volume off and it just looks comical, like an animation. Leave the volume on, and it just feels wrong. I don't know, but it creeps the hell outta me, too.
That rotor/shutter synchronization is freaky. Reminds me of this video:
<Prints PDF in glorious full color> I'll be in the bathroom...
Neutral: Is This GM's Fault Or The Government's Fault?
It is a great price, but alas, still out of my price range.
...yes. yes, I saw that.
Emotions while reading this article-
What makes her lucky? That she somehow managed to not hit the large, extremely combustible gas station right in her way.
Neutral: Does not being able to buy a Ferrari make you want it more?