Thanks for clarifying. And it begs the question: which entity is paying the fine, Toyota US or Toyota JP?
Thanks for clarifying. And it begs the question: which entity is paying the fine, Toyota US or Toyota JP?
"GM now has a good idea of what it is going to face," said Peter Henning, a Wayne State University law professor and former SEC attorney. He believes GM is certain to face a criminal probe and many tough questions in the months or years to come, and says the government could ultimately seek to impose a fine of more…
The Cobalt recall, and the fact that GM knew about the problem for a decade, is dredging up ugly memories of the bailout and the infamously incompetent way the automaker used to do business. What can its new CEO do to restore confidence?
No good reason??! I'll give you all the reason you need: because awesome!
From what I understand, a turbine was chosen in development because it can run on such a wide breadth of fuel. For instance, the Marines can use at-hand marine diesel and the army can use ready-at-hand JP should supply lines be an issue. It's not a fuel efficient vehicle and requires quite the logistics lines to…
I see your stuck on a hill H1 and raise you a Matrax H1
Here in 'Murica, we don't need no tow tanks:
That's the saddest FTW I think I've ever read.
Neutral: Is Mulally Worth It?
I wonder what the theoretical hull speed of this thing is. Can't be much more than it's max operating speed...
That's because you're not taking into account the gyroscopically-stabilized pneumatic suspension system filled with the sighs of infants and the tears of virgins.
This test car has Porsche's carbon ceramic brakes on them. They don't heat up as fast as the steelies, which is good, because this is a heavy car. They were
Bloomberg does the math and finds he made… one billion (.1) dollars! In one day! It also means that Tesla has a market capitalization (# of shares X share price) of $30.4 billion, making it worth about half a General Motors or Ford Motor Company.
Um... I meant a wagon M5.
Right now there are about 785 of the vehicles delivered worldwide and Porsche wants to make sure all of them meet the demise they deserve… flipped on a wall of tires by a dentist.