
The answer is NO CAR. You're 16. The state says you have the basic functioning ability to sit behind the wheel, but I'll be damned if you're going to do it without me or my wife right next to you. You can bitch and moan all you want, but the more you do, the longer it's gonna take for my ass to get out of the

Know the "unique" things about your car. For instance, all-wheel drive means four tires instead of two when replacing them, and that not every tow-truck can tow your car.

Absolutely. But, "reasonable" has been spelled out pretty well. While one can expect a right to privacy from an invading telephoto lens pointed at ones home, the reverse is not true. One can point a telephoto lens at the street and snap away at any and all actions occurring there, without the necessity to determine if


I started putting away a few extra hundred a month. When I got to a good amount, I said, "Hey, I wanna buy this car."

What wasn't mentioned here is the fact that federal law trumps state and local law. The Supreme Court has ruled many times in myriad cases that no one, not police, not the public, not a federal agent, has any right to privacy while in a public space (this includes in your car while on a public street). Further,

Thank you mathematics for making it possible to divide something in odd-numbered parts evenly with a rational number, while ensuring the practical division will be irrational.

I'm sorry, but how the hell is # 8 NOT # 1????

I was thinking terrestrial-only, but... yeah.

Let this sit for 20 years in the desert somewhere, strip the interior, add a workbench and some rust, a couple of mini-guns, flame throwers, and bull-mastiff crossed with a bear, and the diesel engine from an Abrams and I think you have the right of it...

In the dashboard... wait. Hasn't that been done before?

teehee... you said 'sextuples'...

It's compelling to look at, in the way a 21 ft-tall tarantula would be compelling to look at. Let's hope it's vision is based on movement...

Are we talking about a sequential gearbox or an automatic transmission with a "manual selector"? The replies below seem to reference both with equal fervor.

Nothing says "My Body Guards are Bad-Ass" like an SUV with a mini-gun.

If the van's a rockin... it's probably because you've been kidnapped off a street corner.

Like being able to shred some notes on a guitar, that engine airbrushes the ugly from that car. It's the automotive equivalent of John Mayer...

It's good enough for the Marine Expeditionary Unit, it's good enough for the rest of us... nuclear option not included.

My IRA's are matched to their yearly limit both through privately managed and employer managed programs. I also have a percentage dropped into a rainy day fund all before I see my paycheck. This is just one more stop-gap. It works for me. Probably wouldn't work for many others.