
short version: if everybody on one team can communicate without fear of being harassed (and therefore without the need to mute voice comms or whatever), they’re probably going to be more coordinated than a team with one or more members who can’t just easily use chat. even beyond the harassment issue, if you’re looking

I think the harassment is the thing they are talking about specifically. Being harassed can effect how people play games. I’m not sure how that’s hard to comprehend. Of course this mostly pertains to competitive gaming with randoms, not organised play.

I think it has some merit and some flaws too, but nothing wrong

Kazushige Nojima is the scenario writer here and one of the script writers as well. You might know him from one of his other works where he was scenario designer and writer: Final Fantasy VII.

You might also know Tetsuya Nomura from another work he was a writer(and character designer) on called Final Fantasy VII.
