I'm just going to admit it: I don't get all the Channing Tatum lust. I find him almost virtually indistinguishable from Chris Pine or one of the Hemsworths (I mean, he seems like a nice dude I just don't find him at all sexy). Is...is there something wrong with me?
You don’t know that he’s not gonna fuck me! You don’t know his life!!
You posted down below about gas lighting, accusing someone else of doing that to you. However, that is exactly what are you are doing here - AND you are deflecting with ad hominem attacks designed to make us all forget that you are wrong, and doubling down. I interacted with you during the Jesse Williams fiasco, and…
“No, I was insulting fools who love to use “SJW”-speak to gaslight people.”
Real talk why is that an insult? Loving social justice? You're on Jezebel of course we love social justice. Do you hate it?
Your opinions, as far as you have any, are whatever allows you to feel the most righteous. You’re boring, dishonest, and awful, and the fact that so many people here don’t realize it says something in and of itself.
Sqarr knows that. He’s just a piece of shit who is obsessed with getting his comments starred on Jezebel. He’s really, really awful.
This is amazing.
Ha! This comment thread has taken quite a turn.
Sqarr. I think maybe it’s maybe time to take a deep breath.
I’m just going to pop by to suggest you follow your own advice and ignore this idiot. They’re willfully misreading the article to sound more self-righteous.
I’m suspicious of your inability to read the article.
That doesn’t speak very highly of you then
I’m explaining what I think his argument is, not agreeing with it. I’m not defending him at all.
I think his argument is that he had consensual sex with a woman and that she “changed her mind” and reported him for assault, and instead of approaching the matter “objectively,” they unfairly chose to believe the female victim and kangaroo-courted him because of said “pro-female, anti-male” bias. I.E., they only…
Except, he was not tried in a criminal court & found guilty of a crime. These private investigations by colleges/universities are a horrible way of handling assault cases.
What court of law found him guilty of a crime? This was all internal to Columbia by my reading of it, so he didn’t have any of the rights we expect of someone being charged with a crime, including not being allowed a lawyer, or it appears call witnesses. The lack to “due process” in these cases should raise questions.…