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From Tales to Dragon Quest to a brand flippin’ new Persona, this has been a stellar year for Japanese role-playing

I absolutely fucking adore Dirge of Cerberus.

It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and the tone of it is as wildly inconsistent as the gameplay, but all of it somehow just works like gangbusters for me. It’s one of the few PS2 games I can replay every few years and have just as much fun with every single time.

I don’t

Can you imagine, being a US citizen and going through all the trouble of buying that given the restrictions only to pull the panties down and get an eyeful of mosaic pixels.

Reason #286 that I’ll never have children.

I let my 1 year old play with my PS3 controller the other day thinking she couldn’t do any damage since I don’t play it or really care about the saves any more.

Another lesson: give kids their own accounts. Even if they’re five and only play a little bit every now and then, you’ll want to set up a wall between your saves and theirs. Plus, keeps them from accidentally loading up something M-rated.

Looks like they Dota know what they’re doing...

I can never again look at the word “witch” without instinctively putting “er” at the end. Thanks Geralt (seriously, thanks).

I can’t be the only one seeing the irony of Priestman reporting on witches?

I wanna cast “Magic Missile”.

Have to be that guy...

This game is amazing!

> “you just have to assume that any given title is going to be shit until proven otherwise.”

Why? Every single product they’ve released in the last four years has been extremely well received and extremely high quality. Everything they’ve announced in the last three years has been released or will release this year.


Wait, Valve? What games?

Satisfied with the slicing and dicing, yeah; the rice left a lot to be desired.

Perhaps we should start an organization to send mechs to women over there. I doubt the men will accuse or abuse them when they’re 7 feet tall, have fusion cannons, defense matrix, boosters, and most importantly a self destruct.

Well, this was very enlightening. I had wondered why D.va of all the OW character when I saw this on a poster at a women’s rally for South Korea. Now I understand why.

D.va’s Year of the Rooster costume—a modern hanbok design—has got some Korean men constantly trying to look up her skirt as a humiliation tactic against opponents